Thursday, April 14, 2011

Who Won The Debates?

With both debates now behind us today's poll question is who do you think won? The early Nanos poll numbers show a very large spike in Stephen Harper's competency rating. Prior to the debates 35% of Canadians thought Harper was the most competent of all the leaders. After the debates that jumped to 48%. Nanos even joked that they had to extend their "y axis" in their leadership rating graph. Immediately following the French debate, even Chantal Hebert was crediting Harper with the best line of the night, so you know it had to be a great night for the Tories.

Ignatieff is said to have performed better in the French debate than the English, unfortunately a lot more people watched the English debate. Nanos said that roughly 1/3 of Liberal supporters think Harper is the most competent, though that has not yet translated to the national party polling numbers. 20% of Liberals now think Harper has the best vision for Canada.


  1. Nanos was on CTV PP tonight explaining these numbers. He mentioned that even though Harper has excellent competency ratings, these are not yet reflected in the voter intention table. He even suggested that though voters rate him the best, they are still unprepared to vote for him. This appears on the surface to be a perverse interpretation of voter intentions.

  2. and yet there is another poll that has harper 21 points ahead. which is it man.

  3. No one except real political nerds watched the debate in French in BC as they were at work and the Canucks were playing later!

  4. Rex Murphy plus a host of others question the Quebec debate's relevance. I am delighted that people are speaking against the debate as it has nothing to do with Canada.

  5. Unfortunately in Quebec a lot of people still watch Radio Canada and RDI (French Newsworld). After the English debate, of eight panelists on RDI, none thought Harper won the debate. Our tax dollars at work.

    Just about all the media in Quebec including the English (Montreal)Gazette (see today's Gazette's mention at least three times that the NDP's support is supposedly growing in Quebec) is anti-Harper.
