Saturday, March 26, 2011

Forcing An Early Election To The Sound Of Applause

When the Liberal party and their opposition allies voted to force an early election on Friday, their MPs erupted in applause. The large majority of Canadians do not share their enthusiasm for an early election, so one has to ask if they are going to pay a price at the polls for thrusting this writ upon the people. That is today's poll question. The Liberals were very excited to topple the government, and I suspect their enthusiasm might produce a backlash. The general public is starting to pay attention again, and a lot of people are annoyed that we are having our 4th election in 7 years.

The two elections that Stephen Harper won, it was the Conservatives who forced the election. In 2011, it was the opposition. At least we won't have anyone complaining that Stephen Harper is violating his own fixed election date law this time. This time, it is the Liberals fault.


  1. Bet they won't be laughing and clapping after the election.

  2. Laughing/Clapping: Exactly true.

  3. If his trained seals are going to appear with him all the time, when will the campaign for their own seats.

  4. Even today, not too many smiling happy faces on his trained seals.

  5. This election is a farce - the result of not listening to Canadians. The applause is desperate - 3 diminished leaders, listening to "the sound of one hand clapping". Cheers.

  6. You want about Layton talking about when he becomes PM.
