Sunday, December 26, 2010

Top Political Stories Of 2010 Part 2

Today's poll question; what are the top Canadian political stories from the 2nd half of 2010? There are many to choose from, such as Rob Ford winning the mayoral race in Toronto, Julian Fantino winning Vaughan, Gordon Campbell resigning, Dalton McGuinty not resigning, and so on and so forth. The top 3 vote getters in this poll will faceoff against the top 3 from the first half of 2010 poll. Here are your options

1) Liberal Express stalls, repaired at Harper Deisel.

2) Rob Ford elected Mayor of Toronto.

3) Long census no longer mandatory.

4) Gordon Campbell resigns.

5) Brad Wall blocks Potash sale.

6) Iggy most absent MP.

7) CBC loses court battle to withold expenses.

8) Danny Williams resigns.

9) Michaelle Jean replaced.

10) Julian Fantino wins Vaughan.


  1. How about the Conservatives rethinking the total withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and the Liberals going along with this.

  2. I think Brad Wall blocking potash. Here is a Conservative Premier breaking ideological ranks and gaining enough eountry wide support to force the most conservative government we've had to also abandon principle. The best story of the year.

  3. Winter Olympics no brainer. Politics is not closely or widely followed by masses.

    Last time Canadians showed up was to remind coalition of losers in December 2008 our PM is elected through a General Election an not a cabal of three stooges.

    Took Haiti disaster with Olympics to get Liberal media to drop face book movement as "real news".

    Another example pathetic out of touch media in Ottawa-Toronto.

  4. Guergis being unjustly thrown out of the Conservative Party occupied a lot of ink. Harper has yet to explain why he treated her so shabbily.

  5. Stephen Harper read the tea leaves. I'm still waiting for Marlene Jennings to appologize for accusing Helena of being a drug dealer in Question Period.

  6. Yeah, and we're all still waiting for iggo to apologize for calling Guergis a liar.
