Friday, November 6, 2009

Damned if you do or damned if you don't?

I want to ask a philosophical question in my newest web poll. The New York Yankees poll did not capture the interest of my audience, and I "miffed" a few people by not including Sarah Palin in my next best Republican poll. My New York Yankees post scored a paltry 9 hits, or less than 2% of my visitors on the day. Evidently even the people who like me don't care if the Yankees win. So be it. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

The new question is damned if you do or damned if you don't. Obviously context should be important, like damned if you jump into the Tiger exhibit at the Toronto Zoo, damned if you don't look both ways before you cross the street. Well let’s just assume that you have an equal probability of success or failure. Let's say for example you have a decent job and a fantastic idea for a new business. If you pursue the new business you lose the so-so job you have and you risk the new venture not succeeding. Damned if you pursue your beautiful idea and risk failure, or damned if you stay at your job that you are mildly satisfied with that pays a decent wage? Would you rather risk trying and not succeeding, or living with never trying at all?

Or perhaps the better question is weighing your best instance where you did something that succeeded against you most significant instance where taking a took an action that failed; or the most beneficial incident where you declined to do something that was a great decision against your most significant failure to act and the regret after the fact.


  1. Interesting post. Talk about twisting my head around though. I have been in both situations and am still operating in a small business corporation. The key for me was to plan,plan and plan. Next it was important for me to really educate myself on the business of being incorporated.
    The most important characteristic you must have is once you have decided a route do not look back. This is my third business and while the first two did not exackly fail they did not materialise to what I expected. Learn from you mistakes and forge on. Regret is a waste of time.

  2. I'd rather go for the gusto and follow the path that feels right to me, developing skills in the field that intensely holds my interest, even if making a living in it often seems elusive, than having a job or career just for the money it could bring in. Quality of life ranks higher to me than a fat bank balance does.
