Saturday, January 2, 2010

Liberal Racism: The Eugenic Ghost in the Fascist Machine

There is no issue on which modern Liberals consider themselves more thoroughly enlightened than that of race. And there is no contentious topic where they are quicker to insist that dissent from Liberal orthodoxy is a sign of creeping fascism. In virtually every major racially charged debate over the last forty years, at least some self-righteous Liberals have invoked the record of the Holocaust to warn, darkly, that if opponents of racial preferences of one kind or another get their way, we just may find ourselves on the slippery slope to Nazi Germany.
I just finished page 243 of Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg, and I wanted to do a public reading. This is a fantastic book, and everyone needs to own it.


  1. Yes, it's very, very good. Especially if read in close proximity to Hayek's Road to Serfdom. I've spoken to several Liberals who actually think eugenics is a good idea, just not the way Hitler did it.

  2. It's not eugenics that is the good idea.
    It's the weight of franchise.
    The merit of someone's vote should be in proportion to their awareness.
    I've known people who would vote for a pizza.
    Yeah, I know, can of worms.
    But something has to be done.

  3. 10:05 anonymous, for the record, is a Liberal doing a satire. I have an acute radar for drama nerds.

  4. I might read that book when I get the chance. I know a socialist (self-described) who is a big supported of Eugenics. He does actually think that Hitler ruined a great idea.

    The thing about liberals/socialists is that they think they are the ultimate force of good and have absolutely perfect understanding of reality. Nothing is more dangerous.

  5. I have begun to use the term birkenstocker as the modern day liberal.

    They believe the science is settled and prefer a new order to redistribute wealth.
