Friday, January 8, 2010

The Economist

It was interesting watching the CBC this afternoon, listening to the voice of the British guy at the Economist who wrote the scathing piece about my Prime Minister.  I had tuned out the Economist over a year ago when they endorsed that shining beacon of fiscal responsibility Barak Obama for President.  It wasn't so much a protest, as it was me losing interest in the constant parade of big government keynesians who believe that people are too stupid to make optimal choices and the government should make all decisions for them.  The last economist podcast that I listened to before I unsubscribed was the interview with Barney Frank.  That was the straw that broke the Iceman's back.  Tea and biscuits with Barney Frank.  Now I go to the Financial Post for my economics news and opinion.

I was not entirely comfortable listening to this British guy on the CBC telling me how Canadians feel about our government.  Clearly this man had visited at least a few Facebook Group sites when researching this piece.  If he feels as though he is qualified to publish a fiercely bitter op-ed about how the average Canadians perceives its leadership, then so be it.  It's not unlike Mike Ignatieff returning to Canada after a 30 year vacation to write a book telling Canadians what patriotism means to Canadians.

I would delete the Economist podcast from my I-Tunes had I not already done it months ago.  One might say that I was "nudged" off the Economist subscriber list.


  1. I suppose it was to be expected. Once a country has sunk so deeply into the socialist quagmire it is not surprising that even writers, in a supposedly free market journal, would become subscripted to the cause and would embrace the loser's philosophy of statism. Look how far the CBC has fallen from a once proud position of honest and unbiased journalism.

  2. I am a subscriber to the Economist. They often have an article on Canadian politics, usually writing about Harper in complementary tones. For example, last week they referred to his attempts to reform our Senate (headline "Harper prods a relic") in positive manner. None of these previous comments have been reported in our mainstream media - however, one negative observation and it is all over the front page.
    Which tells us something about the MSM.

  3. Powell Lucas
    Geez how old are you lol I'm 44 and can never remember a time the CBC was unbiased, my brother is 55 and he can't either.

  4. CBC bias is just becoming ever more glaring now that Bush is history.
    It's like they feel that a dem in the white house has given them carte blanche.
    I disagreed with many of Bush's actions, but in the past year it has grown apparent that the alternatives would have been worse.
    President Gore was a bullet dodged.
    And now that the CBC doesn't have Bush to kick around anymore they only have one target.
    But that's okay.
    When they glibly dismissed the climategate emails they woke a few poop stirrers up.
    Unrelated Goon Show joke:

    How did you escape?
    >I hid in a bale of tobacco.
    Saved! In the nicotine!

  5. Excellent observation Barry W.
