Monday, January 4, 2010

Ignatieff's "Almost Famous" University Mystery Tour 2010

I can remember the first politician that I ever watched speak on campus while I was a University student, and his name was Jack Layton. I walked away from the experience with the impression that the man was a blowhard douche. As I grew up to accumulate more life experience and wisdom, Jack time and time again has confirmed my initial opinion. Just showing up to speak does not itself mean that the speaker is guaranteed to convert followers. If the speaker is indeed a blowhard douche with nothing substantive to say, then the majority of intelligent students should be able to cut through the fluff and see that the man is little more than vacant policy with a big thesaurus.

To borrow a line from the DaVinci Code; so dark the con of Ignatieff. What I would really like to know, is will he be taking questions from the audience? I sure hope he does, and I sure hope somebody is videotaping it...let's be honest, the CBC has probably already contracted by the Liberal Party to do the documentary special. I would like to encourage students to attend these "lectures" and ask tough questions about domestic policy, such as do you have any? The simple yes or no answers would likely be the most effective like; would you cut programs? Would you raise taxes?

I get about 15% of my traffic from Canadian Universities. Perhaps one of my side projects this month will be composing a series of tough questions for students to ask the Liberal leader. Such as "are you proud that the failure of your ancestors ushered in the Iron Curtain?" Keep them short and simple. The shorter and simpler the question, the more ridiculous it looks when he flies off on a hyperbolic tangent that doesn't answer anyone's question.

To Conservative parents with children in University right now possibly concerned that your son or daughter might return home at Spring break on the Iggy train, I wouldn't worry. The man may be more comfortable behind a podium than in Parliament, but so long as your child's brain is equipped with even a basic level bullshit detector, Iggy is just as likely to make an ass of himself as he is to inspire devotion.


  1. Ice:

    Here's a list of plausible platform planks that the liberal party should be running on.
    This list is compiled from past and present policy's of the LPC and based on statements by liberal MP's.

    1- Safer sex toys
    2- Legalized pot
    3- Legalized and regulated brothels
    4- Rescinding the GST cut
    5- Implementing a carbon tax
    6- Federally mandated compulsory daycare
    7- Retaining the long gun registry
    8- A national program to restrict the development of oil and gas resources.
    9- Better protection for suspected terrorists.
    10- Signing a written agreement to govern in cooperation with the opposition parties.
    11- Creating a new 5 billion dollar bureaucracy to handle Indian Affairs.
    12- Drastically reduce the size of the military.
    13- Increase the subsidy awarded to political parties.
    14- Implement the terms of the Kyoto Accord (see point 5 on carbon tax and point 8 on NEP II)
    15- Name a mountain after PET

  2. What tour? I'm still waiting to hear something about this imperial progress among the peasants. If he has been out and about, then the MSM is not giving it much, if any, coverage. And, when your main boosters quit paying attention to you, you know you are in deep doo-doo.
    Although, perhaps this a rerun of Stephane Dion's renowned 'enlighten the masses to the benefits of a carbon tax' tour. As I recall, the Nutty professor made it to a couple of cities, a barn raising, and two goat roping contests.

  3. Silly Capitalist, the Tories days are numbered. How do I know? Because Kady O'Malley told me so. Kady makes Princess Leia look like Rosie O'Donnel.
