Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Soloman's Prorogation Anger

Evan Soloman and Ralph Goodale are angry about prorogation, and they are trying really hard to sell their message. Watching King Ralph speaking on mute is quite entertaining. It looks like he's trying to head butt the camera, smashing through my television into my living room. Evan was interviewing a panel of Parliamentarians with the headlines IS GOVERNMENT CREDIBLE? And PROROGATION ANGER. Meanwhile most of the people that I talk to either don't know, and if they do they don't care. If Ralph and E-Solo are angry, then it is perfectly justifiable to run the headline suggesting that the whole country shares in their manufactured furry.

As an aside, it is nice to know that when there is a national security threat, the CBC puts Rosemary Barton on the case. The same "journalist" who behaved like a 12 year old girl at a Jonas Brothers concert when the Obama motorcade drove by, is now investigating issues of national security for our public broadcaster. Nice...

As another aside, I would like to list some advertisers of the Soloman Show whose products I will no longer be consuming. The ads are quite sparse and few and far between. His ratings can't be good. I will never do business with Sun Life Financial. I will buy Tums, not Gaviscon. I will never buy ANY Gillette products, I'll stick with Schick! And finally folks, never ever buy a Point N Paint.  Evan will run entire commercial breaks with one long Point and Paint infomercial.

Can anyone tell me what Evan's ratings are?  Trying to appeal to a fringe element does not sell the fringe opinion to the main stream, it simply tunes them out.


  1. Does the CBC make the Canadian Mint pay for advertising time? Or am I going to have to start protesting Canadian money?

  2. CBC is just not credible anymore....

  3. Naming the advertisers on that show is a smashing idea. Doing a little personal boycotting of these companies has to help a wee wee bit. It also makes it easy to drop them a line when you have a spare minute to inform them what you’re doing and why.

    I can’t stomach watching the Idiot Box, so I rarely do. Having this information is much appreciated.

  4. Do it with CTV and Global too.
    CBC is paid for by you and me and obviously, they don't give a flying ___ about ALL of their 'employers' so it won't damage their egos' or bottom line.

    CTV, Global? It hurts them big time. Why do you think they are going after the cable providers?

    Also, depending on what the Canwest bankruptcy package and consequences looks like, we should probably consider supporting them even more than we do.

  5. Evan Soloman is a big-government loving, social engineering, nitwit. He is in such a froth about anything the Conservatives do that his eyes bug out far enough you could knock 'em off with a hoe handle. He is a complete blithering idiot who makes no pretense at offering a balanced viewpoint. He is the perfect person to represent the CBC on their flagship political program.

    I can't help but wonder what this sycophantic moron will have to say now that the Iggomaniac has conceded that the Liberals are a totally ineffective opposition. His quote today was that Mr. Harper operates without any checks and balances. In a parliamentary system the checks and balances are provided by the largest opposition party, of which Ignatieff is the leader. So, if he thinks Mr. Harper operates without checks and balances, he only has to look in the mirror to see the reason why.

  6. Everything, everything that the liberals did to canada and to canadians for the past thirty years: Trudeau's massive deficits
    Chretien?Martin corruption and scandals
    Liberals support for terrorist groups
    Liberals refusal to return the millions of dollars.
    Trudeaus prorogation years.
    Chretien's prorogation years.
    Chretien signing onto Kyoto, which he ignore.
    The list is so long nevertheless, the national media support all of it. They prove it everyday.

    They- the national media, don't have the gall nor the guts to report what the liberals did to canadians and to canada. Instead they went to bed with the LPOC.

  7. Evan was beside himself, with support from Tom Flanigan, trashing the Conservatives. He argues with Conservative reps and lets the NDP and Liberals talk on and on. At least Don Newman, a Liberal hack, tried to be fair with the time.

  8. If you decide to protest our money I will forward you and adress to help you out, I will gladly dispose of it for you!

    I sent your the links for TV ratings already?


  9. The CBC channel is the deadzone, any CBC news program does not make it!

    The National made it one time on the list, the other programs never.

    Other than hockey, Christmas Specials why tune in?

    August-December 20, 2009

  10. Thanks for the names of the Sponsors. I too will never use their products.

