Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Canadian Athletes and Soldiers

To the honourable members of the opposition; I ask can we not take a time-out from accusing our brave soldiers of allegedly committing war crimes to celebrate our Canadian athletes? I am extremely proud of the brave men and women who wear our uniform in defense of our country, and I would like us to take a moment, several moments, to be proud of our Canadian athletes who are about to wear the symbol of our country in honourable competition against the rest of the world. Right now our narrative needs to be focused on these people who have dedicated their lives to serving our country, both on the field of battle and in the field of competition. The spirit of Olympic competition is supposed to inspire us to forgo political battles in the spirit of athletic competition. As a Canadian, this is important to me. I'm not so sure that Iggy picked up this Canadian virtue during his 30 years abroad...


  1. Good stuff at NP

    Terry Glavin: Cover-up. What are the Liberals hiding?

    the above article contains this link:

    "Torture in Afghanistan: The Liberals knew" redux

  2. A reminder that Michael Ignatieff told Canadians on Friday that he is anxious to get Parliament back to work, because the Liberals want to continue their Afghanistan probing, and to investigate "the conduct of our troops in the field". Liberals have been lying through their teeth, that in this probing of the detainee issue, they were not challenging or condemning, our brave men and women in the military, and their actions on the battlefield. Some befuddled members of the media were buying that, or at least giving them the benefit of the doubt, if we are to accept their reporting. I hope those members of the media benefited from today's revelation on the CBC national network.

    On Tuesday now we have, not some no name Liberal MP speaking, but former defence Minister in the Liberal government John McCallum, and this is not a repeat of the circumstance of his ill fated Airport incident, but is an interview with the CBC, fleshing out, detailing and expanding on what the Liberal investigation about the "conduct of our troops in the field" is searching for. Since they have hounded the detainee subject so incessantly, we can safely conclude, they hope all their work will bear fruit, and justify their suspicions, that work done by our troops are war crimes, and that our Canadian government covered up these criminal actions. McCallum in carefully chosen words, has let the cat out of the bag, and told not only, all Canadians but also the whole wide world, that the fact is that our soldiers "may have been committing war crimes , handing over detainees knowing that they were very likely to be tortured - that is a war crime".

    Most reasonable Canadians are thankful, and believe that our soldiers are only doing their best, to get Canada out of the mess that the Liberal government got Canada into, in the first place, and they are praised by all their international allies for their professionalism, and now to be abandoned by the Liberals, and their achievements and struggle in Afghanistan questioned, not only in Canada but also on the world stage by the Opposition in a time of war, is incredible. The most severe critics of our Armed Forces are on the front bench of the Liberal party - what a disgrace and what lack of leadership by Michael Ignatieff, who in a moment of preposterous arrogance, in a diabolical belief, thinks he should be the leader of Canada's Armed Forces.

    For the Liberals to say they are attacking Peter McKay and Stephen Harper, and not our soldiers, will not wash with anyone, because no one in their right mind thinks that McKay or Harper are on the battle field, and committing war crimes, by turning over prisoners to the Afghanistan officials. Aside from some minor incident, and in the absence of any proof or evidence to the contrary, to their credit Harper and McKay have not flinched for one minute in their defense and praise of our military people, as all Canadians would expect nothing less, from their government.

    The only cover up that becomes more evident every day, is the Liberal blue print and political agenda, which is not exposed by some members of the media, and they continue to ignore the Liberals in their machiavellian antics, and won't expose the fraud, that Ignatieff and the Liberals are perpetrating on Canadians, at the expense of our armed forces, in desperation, just to gain some cheap political points. Liberals are speaking with a forked tongue, when they say they support our troops, yet they continue to try and skewer our good men and women in the battle field. Although an apology should be demanded and be forthcoming, it is not enough - there should be resignations in the Liberal hierarchy so that justice would seem to be done on behalf of our Armed Forces.

  3. This is a good post from SDA

    What’s the difference between John McCallum and Foster Brooks?

    When Foster Brooks did his drunken man routine in front of a television camera he was SOBER.
