Saturday, June 12, 2010

Summer Recess???

It has recently come to my attention that parliament will not be sitting over the summer, and frankly I am outraged! Parliament is the sovereign, and if MPs aren't sitting in the legislature doing their work, then our democracy suffers! I have a good mind to start a Facebook group Canadians Against Summer Recess! We need government at work every day or our country cannot function properly, and failure to extend all parliamentary sessions to a 365 day work year will result in mass public protest! This is outrageous madness at its worst!

Who is with me?! If you were against prorogation, you have to be against summer vacation! How many Canadians get a full summer vacation to spend in their villa in Europe?! I thought that ending every sentence in this blog post with an exclamation mark would illustrate the sarcasm that I was going for! It's weird when you are being completely sarcastic and people think that you are being completely serious!


  1. I want a Royal Commission to investigate this outrage!!!

  2. This really upsets me, in protest I will go on the government/parliament websites all day everyday of the summer and when finished each day I will go out on my front steps and hold a press conference on all the work I've done.

  3. Summer has always been a time when MPs can spend time in their constituencies getting feedback. This remains extremely important, especially for those who are not based anywhere near Ottawa.

    I think that you are dead wrong that this is a big holiday for them. I am positive that much useful work goes on when parliament is not is session. I know for sure that the PM and all Ministers, Parliamentary Secs etc. work a heavy schedule all summer, as they continue to run the government. I honestly do not know what the back benchers do. Why don't you do some better research by interviewing a few MPs?

    Your posting are usually fantastic, but I seriously question this one. I would not be surprised to find that most of them are putting in 50-hour weeks with maybe 2-3 weeks off through the summer.

  4. Words escape me, RAAAAAAHHH!

    I would add that some people are using the Spanish upside down exclamation to indicate sarcasm.

  5. In Texas, their legislative reps are part time and work for a very small part of the year.
    It would be nice if more governments followed their example.

  6. Get a grip, Sir. There is nothing new here. Once upon a time our heritage parliament only met every few years. If the issue is so important to you then you as a constituent can push for parliament to reconvene. I believe in less government but I also believe in responsible government.

    Responsible government was one of the main driving forces of our national union. Just because we can travel more conveniently and faster doesn't mean that our government needs to respond just as fast.

    Take a breath!

  7. Joke or no joke, can you imagine how much more damage these loons could do the country if they sat all year?

  8. LMAO, the joke/sarcasm wasn't understood by some and that made it all the more funny.

  9. I don,t want em knocking on my door.Send them all to Jack,s riding for a BBQ.Or,maybe jet them to the Ghan for the summer to speak to the prisoners directly.That is all I have to say on that subject.Parliament is like a box of chocolates.

  10. "It's weird when you are being completely sarcastic and people think that you are being completely serious!"

    Did you ever call this one Iceman. LOL!

  11. A couple of you need to go back to humor school!
