Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mansbridge Interviews Danielle Smith

Last night I watched my first full length interview with Danielle Smith, conducted by none other than Manbridge, and I have to say that I was very impressed with the Wildrose leader. I was first introduced to her by Don Martin, and as such was immediately skeptical at his assertion that she was a threat to the federal Tories in Ottawa. If you listen to her speak, she has tremendous respect for our Prime Minister and is in no way challenging the federal party. My initial skepticism of Danielle was also compounded by the fact that many left wingers eagerly declared the rise of the Wildrose as identical to the Reform rise that split the federal Tory party.

Having watched the interview this evening, I was very impressed by her quick wit and intellectual acumen. If there are Albertans who want her to lead their Province, I understand that. But as a non-Albertan, I think she could do the greatest amount of good for the country by running for the federal Conservatives. She is a very real talent who I'd love to see in cabinet. Though I should say that I believe some of the anger at Ed Stelmach has perhaps been over-blown. Alberta is heavily dependent on oil exports for its fiscal strength, and when oil goes from $150 a barrel to $40 a barrel in a few short months, you are going to have cash flow problems. I feel as though Eddy has received some blame for events that occurred outside our country.

I am definitely a member of the Danielle Smith fan club going forward. I should disclose that I was seduced by the Siren song of Belinda Stronach once upon a time, so take that for what it's worth. Danielle even cited “what happened to” Belinda Stronach as one of her father’s reasons that she shouldn’t run for political leadership. I’m not sure whether she meant “what happened to” Belinda when she ran for Tory leadership with no political experience, or “what happened to” Belinda after she crossed the floor to the Liberal party in exchange for a cabinet seat.


  1. It's reassuring to see non-progressive conservatives; she has my attention.

  2. Your assessment of Ms. Smith is correct, she is personable, intelligent, and erudite. Those are all good reasons for her to avoid that hell-hole that is Ottawa. As a back-bencher or even as a cabinet minister her talents would be wasted. As an Albertan, I want her to stay right where she is. It's our best chance to return to fiscal conservatism in this province. Ralph Klein never left for Ottawa in spite of many inducements and during his term in office this province made tremendous strides and, even more importantly, regained our pride, independence, and self-confidence. I believe Ms. Smith will deliver the same.

  3. I will be attending the Wild Rose convention in Red Deer, AB at the end of June. Really looking forward to listening to Ms. Smith and seriously looking at this party's platform and practices. Hoping to meet fellow travellers on the road to fiscal conservative commonsense. I am almighty tired of big government and unsustainable social contracts. Government should be about serving people, not making them tax slaves. Cheers.

  4. Mansbridge tried to trip her up by asking her about Sarah Palin and she handled it very well indeed.

    She mentioned that Palin had been treated very shabbily by the media.
    It was Mansbridge of course who introduced Neil Macdonald's garbage about how Bristol Palin was the real mother of 4 1/2 month old Trig even though she was 5 months pregnant.
    Mansbridge's introduction claimed the McCain campaign hadn't done enough research on Palin.
    Speaking of research Peter, how long would it take to figure out she couldn't be the mother of a 4 1/2 month old baby and 5 months pregnant?

    Better luck with the culture war next time Peter.


  5. Danielle Smith would do more good for conservatives as Premier of Alberta. Especially, if the constitution is re-opened, which I suspect it will be this decade.

  6. My reading of Alberta politics is that they are Conservative. When their party of choice starts getting infiltrated by Liberals they create another Conservative option then carry on for another 30 years.

  7. The incompetence of the Alberta Tories has been masked by oil money.
    The only thing that has kept them in power is the dead liberal and ndp brands.
    They've been waiting for an alternative and Wild Rose is it.

  8. I'm sticking with my MLA. Smith does not have a seat herself. We have no idea who her candidates are. I should want theses unknowns governing? Sorry, I don't think so.

  9. Greedy Alberta doesn't want to share her with the rest of the country.
