Saturday, June 26, 2010

G8/G20 Protests: "Bring Back MacDonald's Pizza"

The people protesting the G8/G20 are not all there lobbying for the same cause. They represent a mosaic of different objectives, from global anarchy, to global socialism, to the resurrection of MacDonald's pizza. I am disappointed that I didn't know in advance that my comrades would be taking our fight to bring back MacDonald's pizza to riot police in Toronto, because I would be there on the front lines if I had. I loved MacDonald's pizza, enough to risk my own arrest and detention for the re-birth of its distribution. If by my own imprisonment I could help bring this delicious food back to the world, it would be worth it.

Okay, so I'm kidding. I think it is fun to read the signs as these miscreants promote their various mission statements. Thank you Tony Clement for Tweeting the MacDonald's pizza sign. Also, if you are going to dress all in black and cover your face for a protest, that should alone be grounds for arrest. These people are running around Toronto smashing windows, turning over mailboxes, throwing Molotov cocktails, all in a bid to recruit you to anarchy. I'm sure on Monday the left will be blaming Stephen Harper for these clowns running around smashing windows.

Granted I don't know if these people truly believe in anarchy or if they just enjoy smashing things. But having said that, MacDonald’s pizza was awesome...


  1. If I recall correctly there is a law on the books that makes it an offence to wear a disguise in public. (This may be only in the states I am not sure) Allowences have always been made for Holloween but other that that........

  2. Almost makes one wish for another "Kent State". These anarchists and terrorists only respond to force. I say give it to them.

  3. Don't these assholes understand that setting fire to police cars is not going to do anything to help bring back MacDonald's pizza?

  4. MacDonalds pizza....hhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...plastic fantastic goodness...Bring the pizza back or the black block will attack!

