Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ignatieff: "I don't vote on private members bills"

Question askers at "Open Mike" sessions can ask the darndest things, as the leader of the Liberal Party found out this week. When asked why he skipped out on Kennedy's War Deserters bill, Iggy replied that he does not vote on private members bills. Today's poll question; do you expect your Member of Parliament to vote on private members bills? Iggy was of course lying because he has voted on many private members bills, as I expect he was trying to quell rising criticism about his poor attendance for votes in Parliament. Private member's bills allegedly don't matter? I beg to differ, they do matter, and you owe it to the people who elected you to represent them to show up to vote on their behalf in the House of Commons. Maybe tenured professors are not required to show up to work, but elected officials are expected to show up to work to justify collecting their salaries.


  1. The Liberals have the worst record of ANY party for not showing up to vote. Our Liberal MP Keith Martin has missed scores of important votes -- he is instead attending lots of international conferences. That is NOT what we pay him for --or any MP, for that matter.

  2. Has Iggy figured out that, even though he is talking to a small group, his words will be picked up and relayed all over the internet, and some of the msm ? Or maybe he knows that, and he just couldn't think fast enough, to come up with a semi-believable answer.

    It's no wonder his credibility is near rock bottom. I just don't see how Donolo can change that negative impression of Iggy.

  3. Did anyone ask him what kind of car he drives?

  4. The greater question is why the MSM is ignoring it?

    Brian Lilley has been doing a good job in reporting the inconsistent statements, the remainder are crickets.

    Can you imagine if a Conservative MP made these statements that are inconsistent with the evidence.

  5. " I don't vote on private member's bills "???????

    What an idiot. I cannot believe he actually said that. What I also don't believe is how come I have to find out on a blog.

    As CS said... if Stephen Harper had said this, it would be front page news in every left wing newspaper in the country; not to mention leading the ticker tapes on the major news networks.

    What is good for the righty goose is definitely not good for the lefty gander in this country!

    Come on media - do your jobs!

  6. Wow,, he doesn't vote on private members bill, how about the Long gun firearm bill, that was a private members bill, not only did he vote on it, he whipped the freaking thing. Liar

    Kingston Sends

  7. Maybe he didn't know that private member bills are not whipped, but open votes. And could it be he has missed so many sessions that he didn't know the LGR was a PMB. I am sure that is what the case was. Mind you he doesn't vote on PMB bills and motions introduced by his own party.
    Those words will come back to haunt him in any election campaign.
    I am waiting for someone at one of those open mike thingys to ask, do you still think our Flag resembles a beer can.

  8. Calgary Junkie said...
    "... and he just couldn't think fast enough, to come up with a semi-believable answer. "

    why should he 'think fast' when he has the media at his feet to correct his blunders and mistakes.

    The media follow the pipe pipers: chretien, martin, dion, why not ignatieff or any other liberal mp. And now the coalition parties are on board the media has to protect them as well.

    The media in my opinion is 'dead' those who are struggling to stay alive, have their work cut out for them.

  9. Mr Kennedy was in favour of shutting down Hospitals because of a drug shortage....oops, I mean he wanted to use crop-dusters to destroy the Poppy fields in Afghanistan which provide a huge chunk of the health cares post-operation Pain Killers.
    Oh....did Gerrard not learn about where pain-Killers come from???, did he not know the Malairia was beaten by the Quinine extract from tree bark and was also used in Brio soda pop up to about 2000 or later.
    WOW,I bet MrKennedy still think crude oil comes from dead dinosaurs even though Oil has been found 20'000 feet below the ocean bed in the Gulf of mexico. Well below the old theory for evolution where no sign of life existed under the 2000-3000 foot drill level.
    That was prior to Howard Hughes created the Diamond tip design drill to bore through really hard rock down to 20'000 feet as the Russians did.
