Saturday, October 16, 2010

Losing Security Council Vote No Tragedy

Rex Murphy wrote an excellent piece for today's National Post about our loss in the vote for a seat on the UN Security Council. Whereas Jane Taber and John Ibbitson have been trying to spin this as a "devastating loss" for the Harper government, Rex points out several great reasons why we should not be devastated or treat this as a terrible insult. I suppose that type of first clas logical analysis is why the Globe let Rex go last year.

Also, voting is now open for the "what would Iggy have done to win us a seat" webpoll. I voted for praise China on human rights.


  1. The loss of the seat has many benefits It can be used to identify Liberals pundits.

    Rational and Conservative minded pundits understand a Bloc of 50 OIC won't support an ally of Israel.

    Even moderate Democrats, Republicans and Independent Americans are ashamed at the lack of visible support from Obama.

    It would have been a nice feather in the cap to beat the Liberals over the head in Canada. (They seek validation or cover by the UN membership)

    George Grant would have stood with us instead of playing politics.(His uncle is lucky to not see what Ignatieff has become)

  2. Again, no "all of the above" option for your poll! tsk tsk

  3. All of the above is missing for sure.

    But what would Iggy do? Why isn't anyone asking him that?

    In fact, where is Iggy?

  4. Iggy shows his concern about Canada about as much as he did his first wife. Has a pleasant dinner with her, retires to the den to sleep for the night and the next day moves in with his lover and unceremoniously dumps his wife and kid. Clinically. Shamelessly. Emotionless.

  5. I am so very happy that we did not take on the useless Congo non- "peace keeping" mission and that we have diverted aid money to achievable causes in countries that are less likely to use the funds to add to leader's swiss bank accounts. I am equally proud of the fossil award, which was orchestrated by that idiot backed by the crooked George Soros. The carbon credit scam has so many politicians in the game, making it very scary!

    We have, as a nation, backed Israel since 1949, so why would we contemplate bowing to the sheiks and dictators now, as Pres. Obama did? And yes, we must not tolerate being blackmailed by UAE commercial airlines for landing rights at Canadian airports.

    The EU and the US have taken advantage of our friendship. All those leftish governments might prefer a weaker patsy like Ignatieff, who would also bow. Ignatieff has become a shadow of his former self, who would now never take real stand. He would be a disaster for Canada, as we need PM Harper who has firm values on some really important issues.
