Friday, October 22, 2010

Lewis MacKenzie: Thank You Portugal

If you want to read a fantastic analysis about Canada and the UN Security Council, you have to read former General Lewis MacKenzie's latest piece Thank You Portugal. He discusses the failures of the United Nations, and is very qualified to talk about it having served in on UN peacekeeping missions. Of course "peacekeeping" is an oxymoron given that the UN does precious little to actually enforce peace.

Thank you to Adler Online for tipping me to this piece. I also strongly recommend listening to Adler's interview with MacKenzie about this issue. To listen, just visit and scroll down his archive on the right hand column.


  1. We should not be shocked the media and Liberals have difficulty with facts.
    Ignatieff was blunt in 2005 how Liberalism failed and how American exceptionalism worked to bring peace.
    Pearson's Suez Canal moment did not last. The Liberals walked away from the Blue Helmets and providing a "peace making" force if necessary.

    We were asked to leave by Eygpt just before the start of the six day war in 1967. They used that decade to rebuild their army after losing the fight to nationalize the canal.

    The military refer to the Liberals last time in government as the decade of darkness. They took at 23% cut in 1993. Our military was in neglect for forty years by both parties.

    We went through deep cuts in health, education and social services in the 1990's and the current leadership point to it as their willingness to balance the books.

  2. Why did Harper waste time and money lobbying other countries trying to get the UN seat? I don't get it. Harper seeks it out, loses, and then the Conservatives all say it was worthless anyway.

    Didn't Harper know that fromn the start? Isn't it really the case that Harper wanted the seat but Canada has taken stands that are not approved by other countries. Therefore we did not get the support. What is surprising is that Harper did not read the tea leaves and know that Canada ahd no chance. He utterly misread the situtaion. He is a very weak tactician.
