Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Liblogs on Detainees; It's all just a little bit of History Repeating...

If it weren't for the constant insistence that our soldiers violated the Geneva Conventions under a flawed Liberal prisoner transfer agreement, I might almost consider the daily fallacy of juvenile investigative journalism coming from the Liblogs on the Afghan Detainee file amusing. Aside from the complete ignorance and denial of any Liberal responsibility for a problem that they themselves created, Pavlov’s Liblogs keep writing new posts that make the exact same argument as nearly every other post that they have written on this matter without breaking any new information or opinion. It's like one bozo gets one stupid idea, and then finds 30 ways to write the same post for 30 days. They continue to make the same argument every day, until one of their overlords like Soloman or Kinsella give them a new bone to chew on.

Furthermore, you will get a bozo who finds a new way to write what we wrote yesterday, and then right after he writes it, 3 other Libloggers will repost what that unoriginal dipshit posted, again trying to find a new way to say the same damned thing. By finding new and creative ways to say nothing creative or enlightening, they are keeping the detainee subject on the main page with repeating frequency to portray the preponderance that this is a bigger issue than it is. Evan Soloman has been sure to assure us that if a subject appears multiple times on the Liblogs, then this surely must be what the whole country is talking about. E-Solo is an expert on what average Canadians are thinking, hence why he has the arrogance to lead every show with "you are where you need to be". Thanks for the brilliant insight Evan, how's about "you are where the Lang and O'Leary Exchange just was, and now you have lost the remote but you are where you can’t avoid being"

The Liblogs consider it their duty to keep people talking about this issue, and they exaggerate the significance with these 3rd rate tactics. Like ‘Shallow and Wide’ will write a post titled 'Peter MacKay admits to cover up' where he just repeats the same bullshit as the day before; then ‘The World Famous Bull Shits’ will post an entry titled 'Cover up, MacKay confesses' where the dipshit does not write anything new, he simply links to the article posted 20 minutes earlier. I’m sure we can come up with a name for this tactic if it does not already exist. Where you repeatedly link the same post on the main page to increase the amount of total main page space dedicated to that one story.

Lay people could cruise by the Liblog page and see the two headlines that are not actually discussing anything relevant, but in seeing the same headline twice may exaggerate the significance of a non-existent story. None of these idiots realize that the Liberal Party shares responsibility for any injustice that may have occurred, and yet they plow forward because they have convinced themselves that there is no downside to their own party for throwing out absurd allegations of government and military misconduct. At least Warren Kinsella is putting on the breaks. We will see if others follow. The Liberals are more vulnerable on this issue than the talking heads on television will admit.

I would say that reading the Liblogs makes me ashamed to be Canadian, but I am not at all ashamed to be Canadian. In my opinion this is the best country in the world to live. I don’t believe that my Armed Forces committed any war crimes, and that the government behaved ethically according to the laws of warfare.

This blog post was brought to you by the Propellerheads...


  1. Agreed. The content has become very thin.

  2. Well what do you call the endless Lieberal throw enough shit it might stick somewhere way easier than actually coming up with alternative policies and besides we don't want anyone to notice we (Lieberals) actually made the agreement to hand over detainees to the Afghan government to start with.
    Investors who generate activity with clients money to boost their own investments are said to be "churning" which of course is illegal.
    As for the Lieberal tactics well it isn't very elegant but it seems to me it's like a dog vomiting, eating it,shitting, eating it, vomiting...... ad nauseam and this is their "new way of doing politics"? Looks like the same old same old to me
    Cheers Bubba

  3. Instead of Double Dipping, how's about "Double Dipshitting"?

  4. Hear, hear!!

    "In my opinion this is the best country in the world to live. I don’t believe that my Armed Forces committed any war crimes, and that the government behaved ethically according to the laws of warfare."

    good post Iceman. I totally agreed.
