Friday, December 18, 2009

A Slave to Science

When I watched David Suzuki on the Soloman Show compare his manufactured "climate crisis" to slavery, I was awestruck, even thunderstruck. I have been listening to Suzuki for years rail on the evils of capitalism and human consumption, and it seems that each year that I have aged, I disagree with Suzuki a little bit more (not unlike Don Martin). I Googled "Suzuki Population Bomb" and got 17,000 hits. Reading some of the articles he has published, he often asks the question of what is more evil; population growth or consumption? What will kill us first, people having babies, or parents buying their kids too many gifts on Christmas? Suzuki clearly advocates a sharp reduction in births and shopping.  Let's also not forget that Suzuki is incorporated and makes a lot of money selling the snake oil.

Having never lived under the horror of slavery, I can only imagine how offensive that would be to a slavery survivor. If you don't take public transit, you are holding the world hostage. Buy gifts for Christmas, and you are enslaving Robert Mugabe. I often talk about how to distinguish a true Marxist from a misguided Climate Clown, and the key word is consumption. That topic is the key point of departure between Capitalism and pure Marxism. The reason that people like Suzuki are fighting a losing battle is because they are trying to inhibit natural instincts that have been programmed into our brain through thousands of years of evolution. We are wired to acquire.

Then you have writers like Thomas Friedman who adopt "Cheney's 1% doctrine on terrorism" to imply that if there is even a 1% chance that Suzuki is right and we need to dramatically reduce the world's population and cap consumption, then we must transfer trillions of dollars to the undeveloped world. And yet the more time passes, the more mistakes appear in the data that launched the "Climate Crisis” and it turns out the forecast model was wrong. Suzuki believes strongly in the population bomb and the consumption bomb. Marx, though alive in the age before climate science, also strongly believed in restricting consumption, restricting growth, and restricting the freedom to choose to do what you want to do. I won't go so far as to say that Suzuki is a Marxist, but Karl Marx certainly would have been a Suzukist had he been alive today.

Slavery? If Suzuki is allowed to do what Suzuki wants to do, then humanity will be his slave. As you can imagine, many Liberal bloggers are rallying around David Suzuki.


  1. I once spent an entire year of university trying to get my head around a genetics text book written by Dr.S. Did he get paid for that mandatory Canadian content crap,you betcha! I was a slave to my fruit flies. I agree slavery sucks,educate yourself,make your own decision, thanks Dr.S maybe that lesson was learned after all.

  2. Iceman - well said. I have always thought of Suzuki as a jerk. His kind always think that population growth should be curbed alongwith multiple choices. I was just reading some crap that a lefty friend sent me on Barry Schwartz ... another demigod of the left. He too believes that we are given too many choices and that multiple choices can confuse humans. sheesh.

  3. I thought I had read elswhere, that the Doc had five children of his own. Is he really saying one rule for me (the elite), and another for the rabble? Hypocacy seems to be the guiding principle of most ot the leading environmentalists.

  4. Suzuki has five kids via two marriages.

    So much for practicing what you preach.

    stephen p.

  5. "Suzuki has five kids via two marriages.

    So much for practicing what you preach."

    And he has the carbon footprint of a small town!

  6. I think we were liberated today!
    Sure feels like it.
