Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"Kill him, kill him dead"; the Scott Reid Story

Far be it from me to write a brief posting in a format similar to Twitter, but please tell me that there is a Canadian right winger writing this book? You even have my permission to use the title of this post as the title for your book. Somebody needs to tell this story, and I believe Scott Reid should be in jail for writing something that one of the kooks who follow him might have taken too literally after reading. He was borderline encouraging assassination of a sitting Prime Minister in a public forum!

I don't want to have this be my first book. Somebody else, please start writing "Kill him, kill him dead"; the Scott Reid Story. Please! I will buy a copy!

See also: Harper Haters Need To Slow Their Role


  1. That's way more than 140 characters, so you didn't tweet. No idea about twitter, It doesn't grab me, I just have too much to say. And I was creeped out after one tweet and a random dude started following me.

    Scott Reid. I must admit, I don't know much about him. Think he's an MP or something. Somewhere. Is he important?

  2. Kerry....not THAT Scott Reid....Beer and Popcorn, Scott Reid...he of Paul Martin's adviser.

  3. Most certainly, a book would keep this atrocity alive and this story in the pages of history for perhaps his ancestors to digest? I mean, it must have been such a proud moment, huh?

    At the least, I hope the authorities have warned him, kept an eye on him and that his career is stuck on simmer.

  4. I'll start writing it.

    For people to have such unfounded Harper hate is beyond me. I'm totally with you in saying that so many have dubbed Harper as the anti-christ. Some people have been born with a chip on their shoulder. Some chips are just plain, downright, sick.

  5. Let’s not forget that it was the Toronto media that published it. They’re just as guilty.
    Here’s another example of a coded threat against the Prime Minister, only this time it’s directed at his wife and kids. Joanne at BLY did an excellent post about it.

  6. Don't get me started on the Toronto Star! Remember when they ran that "Barbarians at the Gate" headline a week before Martin surged ahead to win that minority? I feel like somebody could write a book about the editorial board at the Toronto Star...
