Thursday, October 29, 2009

"Climate Justice"?

Oh Lord, here we go. The new activist buzz term is "climate justice". Global warming lost its mojo when the world stopped warming, so they switched to climate change when the world's climate is always changing and never resting in a steady state equilibrium. Infact in economic dynamics it is observed that "systems" seldom rest in equilibrium, but rather cycle around it. In any event, the new terminology is climate justice. There are a lot of words that you can stick after "climate" that are far more appropriate. Such as climate hooligan, climate Kooladers, climate tomfoolery, climate “misguided idiots” and I could go on but I won't.

Kelly McParland wrote a magnificent piece in the National Post today.


  1. I agree...let's have climate justice. I'll gladly ship off my Alberta winter to Hawaii, or Spain, or Trinidad in exchange for their cold season.

  2. i go to flordia every winter to get climate justice. too bad i have to spend canadian dollars to do this. what the hell it is warm.

  3. As with many other words, the leftards have managed to turn the word "justice" into a farce. A lefty couldn't identify justice in a line-up if it was pointed out to him\her\it. For them justice means getting their way, whether there is truth, morality or decency in their demands or not. Most often not. Ask a leftard to define "social justice". Expect incoherence and a total ignorance of basic economics and understanding of human nature. Climate justice is just more of the same incoherence.

  4. I agree; it's time for some "climate justice"! Time to hold greenies to account for their actions! If it's alright for greens to threaten jail for "deniers", then it should be equally acceptable to threaten them with jail and civil suits for the real environmental damage and human suffering their ideological zealotry and greed have produced.
