Sunday, October 25, 2009

"I'm also what Ukrainians would call a Great Russian"

I am currently running a web poll on the dumbest thing Ignatieff has said since becoming a Liberal, but I really should have broadened it to his entire public work and included "I'm also what Ukrainians would call a Great Russian and there is just a trace of old Russian disdain for these little Russians". As of right now "if you mess with me, I will mess with you until I'm done" is holding a slight lead over "the government is sending the message that they want aboriginals to die."

Somehow I suspect that Mr. Ignatieff is not very popular with the Canadian Ukrainian community.


  1. I would hardly expect a vibrant relationship with the former "Little Russian" Eastern Block states under an Ignatieff administration.

  2. The Liberal Party may be losing the Eastern European vote.
