Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The "Harper Haters" need to "slow their role"

I have become agitated with this group of people who have convinced themselves that the Prime Minister is some form of biblical antichrist. They bought into the Liberal smears at the beginning of his reign as Conservative leader hook, line, and sinker. I have no problem if people want to disagree with specific policy initiatives, but the overwhelming belief that the man is evil is absurd. I point to Scott Reid, former Martin Communications Director decidedly opposed to beer and popcorn, as the principal Pied Piper leading this diminishing demographic of Canadian society.

These people have convinced themselves that this is Star Wars Episode 3, and that Stephen Harper is Chancellor Palpatine while Scott Reid is Yoda and the Liberals are the Jedi Council. They see the PM as slowly subverting democracy until such time as he can attain a majority government, execute “order 66”, overthrow parliament and start Canada on a new dark Empire. You people need to grow up, and lets start with you Scott Reid. I can’t believe people still put you on television after your “beer and popcorn” debacle. Do the Liberals really want you speaking on their behalf unscripted? That seems like poor tactics to me. General Custer was a quality officer at his peak, but I was reminded of him when you led your “anti-Harper” foot soldiers on that Coalition coup last December. “Coup Scam” was your “Little Bighorn”.

That piece you wrote in the Globe and Mail where you literally wrote “kill him, kill him dead” about the Prime Minister, I still can’t believe the Globe published it! What if one of those kook’s drinking your kool-aid had taken that literally? I am no legal expert, but shouldn’t encouraging the assassination of a sitting leader be in violation of a law? I feel as though “kill him, kill him dead” published by a news organization with a large national circulation should have resulted in criminal charges. That aside Scotty, your biggest problem is that fewer and fewer Canadians are buying your snake oil with each passing day.

The Prime Minister is getting a little help from his friends...

PS: When you submitted your "opinion" piece to the Globe and Mail, where was the editor saying "you can't write kill him kill him dead Scott"?


  1. This is simple, leftists want to impose their view of what the world should be on the rest of us. Anyone that does not agree with them in effect stands in their way and is to be hated. Think of the child and the tantrums when they don't get what they want = leftist. (real conservative)

  2. Speaking of which, this letter appeared in a small local newspaper this week where I live in Gatineau, Quebec:

    "Canada is a multicultural country, not a Christian country; it is a
    kaleidoscope of cultures with adherents to various religions. There
    cannot be peace when a political party which seeks a majority mandate to
    govern our country has major connections with right-wing religious

    In my comments on Harper and other undesirable elements in our society
    (separatists, Promise Keepers, Watchmen for the Nations), I am calling
    on people to use reason when they vote for a politician or political
    party. This means that you do not vote according to the dictates of your
    pastors but select a candidate who is intent on promoting a just society
    rather than establishing a religion-based dictatorship.

    It is irresponsible to vote for a candidate, or political party, who is
    biased against select groups in our society, refuses to meet its
    commitment to fund HIV/AIDS programs, ignores the needs of the poor and
    children, does nothing to curb violence against women, muzzles the
    media, and breaks its own laws. The Conservative Party is guilty on all

    Marie Blanche Hebert"

    Unreal and wrong on so many do you even begin to counter this crap???

    Caroline, Gatineau

  3. 'how do you even begin to counter this crap???'

    Better use of communication, more people on the ground, on radio, on tv, grassroots meetings in Quebec, to counter this crap.

  4. Actually, a lot of the public's misconception has to do with the use of the term "progressive" when media and pundits talk about left wing politics and thinking. The term, which at once point even the "Progessive" Conservatives felt compelled to make part of the party name, implies forward thinking, free-mindedness, and a respect for everyone and anyone. It also nicely contradicts the label "conservative" which, when juxtaposed, gets taken to mean regressive and controlling.

    In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. If one examines the left and right of the political spectrum, it's easy to see that Conservatives are the true liberals (small L) in that they espouse small government, less taxation, a free market economy, and keeping the government out of the pocketbooks and bedrooms of the nation.

    Left wing thinking, however, tends to champion big government, free spending from the public trough, and a nanny-state view where anything and everything is fair game for legislation, including how to raise your kids.

    Crazy world we live in eh?

  5. Could you imagine the outrage if Rush Limbaugh said "kill him, kill him dead" about Obama? He'd end up in jail. But Scott gets away with it?

  6. He actually wrote that?
    Aren't there some lads referred to as the Toronto 18 in some hot water over a similar thing?
    Maybe Scotty can check if Iggy's advisor punker wanna-be can do some pro-bono work for him.

  7. Yes gimblo, he said that, and the Globe and Mail did a 'take out';
    but bloggers have a tendency to copy such articles, just in case.

    here's what he said (coalition of losers unite):

    ''....This becomes relevant because suddenly, he is weak. In fact, at this particular moment, he is almost unable to defend himself. Owing to a ridiculously ill-considered act of hubris, he has laid himself vulnerable to his opponents.

    Their imperative could not be more clear: kill him. Kill him dead. Do not, whatever you do, provide him with an opportunity to extend his hold on power. Because you can be damn certain he will never again be so reckless as to give you a chance to finish him off.

    Fate tends to be grudging with gifts of this significance. To ignore it would be an error every bit as historic as the one Mr. Harper himself has made.

    So don't get fancy. Don't get confused. And don't get weak in the knees. If you don't put Mr. Harper in his grave, he'll put you in yours...''

  8. Be sure to check out the pic from Red Tory's blog at the bottom of the page, above linked.

  9. When are you people -- blogger included -- going to grab a clue?

    Party affiliations are irrelevant.

    In a post ideological environment, where the Canadian State is social democratic, whoever assumes the role as political manager of the state will become a practising social democrat.

    Stephen Harper is a social democrat. He likes the warfare state a bit more, while Jack Layton likes the welfare state a little more. But they are otherwise identical.

    Political power is for cowards and weaklings.. That is why they seek it. It is not for people who value freedom, who have spine, and who are interested in changing things.

    Harper believes his holding power is more important than anything else. So he goes along to get along.

  10. have always considered it as part of "that vast left-wing conspiracy" - always attack, demonize 24/7, rage about christian religion, led by that blowhard ass-kicker of Iggy's - never do an honest piece of journalism or present any main stream policy alternatives - just cannot get back to their "entitlements" fast enough

  11. This manner of speaking coming from a member of the "defenders of law and order" party!!!!! The same party that gave us the gun registry to keep guns out of criminals hands, the same party that is supposedly "tough" on crime, the same party that guts every piece of get tough on crime legislation put forth by the Conservative gov't?????? Scott Reid inducing people to violence, to commit a crime;surely you jest????
