Sunday, October 11, 2009

Which Canadian "op-ed" pundit would you go to first?

I am curious to see how the visitors to my site respond to this question; there is a really juicy political news story breaking in Ottawa. Of these Canadian Opinion Editorialists, who's opinion would you go to first for analysis?

I set up the poll down the middle, with an equal number of options for left wingers, centrists, and right wingers. I haven't checked to see if anyone has done a poll like this, but I would like to take a sample opinion of my own audience. There are a few that perhaps should have made the list, but I feel as though I already have 2 too many. Here is my brief synopsis of each.

Andrew Coyne: Who I voted for. He's the sharpest whit in the punditry business. I agree with his opinion more often than anyone in the business.

Charles Adler: My second choice. I love his show, but when he does hours on asinine subject matter like "talking to strangers", Í can't listen. I do consider myself to be a "citizen of Adler Nation", but sometimes I can be a malcontent.

Don Martin: One of my favourites in the business.

Kelly McParland: He is an opinion editor at the National Post.

Rex Murphy: Certainly never accused of being partisan.

Rick Mercer: Not really an "op-ed" guy, but he essentially does the same thing with his comedy. He goes on rants saying his opinion on political events.

Chantal Hebert: If this "floats your boat"

Jim Traverse: One of the more moderate left wingers.

Scott Reid: Curious to see how many loons visit my site.

Don Newman: He blazed a trail for CBC News. For better or worse.


  1. Unless the readership is looking for a Liberal freindly view of the story, I think you will find that Don Martin will hover right around that 0% mark in your poll.

  2. I vote for Lorne Gunter. Love your blog.

    Here's another idea: which pundit's opinion would I go out of my way to avoid reading?

  3. Hmmm...the "Mute button poll"...I could run two concurrently...

  4. Chantal Hebert if I want analysis of what's happening in Quebec (or Jean Lapierre if I can get a video of one of his commentaries in French or English (CJAD 800 Montreal early morning).

  5. I'd vote in your poll but there wasn't an option labeled: I prefer to form my own opinions.

  6. I've seen your opinions before Robert:

    Capitalism = Evil
    Layton = Honest
    Section 13 = Awesome

    Not very impressive to most of us here.

  7. I've seen your opinions before Robert:

    I'm sure you have seen my opinions before. I'm also sure, judging by what you wrote, that you don't actually read them.
