Friday, October 2, 2009

Don't pay to see Moore's "Capitalism Sucks", instead rent An American Carol

When Mike Moore's new Capitalism sucks documentary is released, I strongly recommend all right minded individuals go to their local video store and rent "An American Carol". There are several outstanding moments in the film, some silliness, but this is what people should spend their money to see. If nobody goes to watch Moore's crap, theatres won't release it, investors will stop paying to promote this shit, and the man can just go away! Is the Corus Radio network so desperate for money that they need to sell ads to Mike Moore? I turn off my radio when I hear that man's voice. I'm not going to listen to a 30 second plug of "Capitalism sucks: a hate story". Who is fronting the money to promote this film? Please, lets nobody go see it so that fat bastard can stop appearing on my television.

Karl Marx was wrong. Get that through your thick skull Mike! If Cuba were such a utopian paradise, why do thousands of people risk their lives to swim across miles of shark infested ocean in an inner tube to escape it? The opening scene in American Carol addresses Sicko, which the *bleeping* CBC is paying to play. Who at the CBC made that brilliant decision, and can he get a pink slip?


  1. I read a review of the Michael Moore film, and apparently there's a few surprises. First off, he's opposed to the stimulus plan. He seems to have a longing for the days when a man could work at the factory, come home to a wife and kids, meal on the table, car and a house, without risking financial ruin. In some respects Moore is as polemic as the rest of them, but in other ways he's actually embracing of the American way. He and Lord Black both idolize Thomas Jefferson.

  2. I have been subjected to the 'advertising' for Moore's film every half hour on the radio....I am to the point where I hit the mute button when it comes on.

    The funniest though...when he says, "Those that don't have need to take from those that have" (paraphrased}

    I wonder if he counts himself in 'those that have'?

    Capitalism has been VERY good to Michael Moore, VERY good.

  3. Moore's movies are very funny and very well done. I may not agree with much of his politics, but I think most of his critics are not being honest.

  4. I am among his critics, how am I not being honest?

  5. I haven't seen ANY of his movies, nor do I have any interest to do so now, or in the future. Frankly, his style of 'film' (and I use the word loosely) starts with a given premise and then proceeds to twist whatever he needs to in order to prove his opinion.

    In other words he is not being honest with his viewers. Can you imagine if he actually took a non-biased approach, only to have a movie that completly contradicted itself?

    There are those who will say "how can you judge a film you have never seen?" - yet on the flipside those same people will say that because so many people have seen Moore's films that it means they agree with him.

    I have no intention of giving Moore one cent of my cash.
