Friday, October 2, 2009

Which former Tory leader would you choose to be Prime Minister if you could?

I am happy with Stephen Harper as my Prime Minister. This poll is for nostalgia purposes. This does not ask which you think could win a general election, this asks whom you would appoint tomorrow if you had the power? I did not include the sitting Prime Minister, or possible rivals within the Conservative Party. This is a poll of former Conservative leaders, provincial and federal, who are not currently leading Tories. Sure Charest is active in Canadian politics, but he is now a Liberal even if he earns the right wing vote in Quebec.

I voted for Mike Harris. I have a dream of Iron Mike busting CUPE once and for all. But that's just me. I came of age in Bob Rae's Ontario. As far as I am concerned, Bob Rae is the anti-Christ and Mike Harris has deity status. I was born and raised in Mike's home riding, and our family used to get a Christmas card every year from the Harris family. Love him or hate him, he was the only politician I have ever known who did exactly what he said he'd do once elected.


  1. Sir John A. Okay he's dead but imagine the PC crowd, heads would explode.

  2. You are so right about Harris. I once filled out a poll of the dream team of government, so I put Harris as Prime Minister, Ralph Klein as Finance Minister, and Don Cherry as Defence Minister.

  3. Preston Manning by a long shot for me. Bernard Lord would be second. Ralph Klein would be a great choice too.

    I would not vote Conservative if any of the others in the poll were leader.

  4. I can't vote. You don't have Standfield there. (he was a tory leader too!)

    (for that matter you don't have Borden or Diefenbaker there either!)

  5. The intent was to choose among the living. Is Joe Clark still alive? We don't hear much from Joe anymore. I am part of the tiny Canadian demographic that was born while Joe was PM.

  6. Iceman,

    I can fit into an even smaller demographic then you. I was born on Joe Clark's birthday while he was in office as PM.

