Monday, May 9, 2011

Picking The Next Cabinet

Today's poll question is ready to go; after the budget, what policy initiative should the new Canadian government address first? The Prime Minister will announce a new cabinet before getting down to work, so I would like to collect some suggestions for cabinet appointments. Which cabinet ministers should retain their posts? Jim Flaherty has the Finance job as long as he wants it, and I like Tony Clement at Industry. We need a new Foreign Affairs minister, and I am nominating Chris Alexander. Leona Agluklak did a good job with the Health portfolio, but I think that would be a great position for Kellie Leitch (who even Jane Taber seems to be a fan of). One cabinet minister that I think deserves a promotion is James Moore, perhaps to the Treasury Board.

What say you?


  1. I still like Peter McKay in Defence and Jason Kenny needs a "boost" to higher profile

  2. I hope the PM cuts the cabinet seats to demonstrate fiscal discipline.

    I predict that there will not be to much of a shuffle re portfolios and that Max Bernier is back somewhere.
    Chris A for Foreign Affairs, yes and a few changes with past women being replaced with better communicating women.

  3. No rookies in senior cabinet roles please. I don't care how smart they are they can do some time as a secretary first. Foreign Affairs is a tough one though, Cannon will be missed.

  4. Well I'm declaring a conflict of interest, as a Simcoe-Grey supporter of Dr Kellie Leitch, for the health posting. Almost 50% total votes in a riding hit hard by media pushing for Helena Guergis.


  5. I would say Bernier in the Treasury Board role - who better to enforce budget cuts than a Quebecer that speaks like an Albertan.

  6. Kenney deserves something big.

  7. I like Kenny in Immigration. He is well-versed in the role and we need a strong advocate for Immigration Reform. Kenny fills the bill.
    James Moore is an experienced, smart fella--well spoken. Perhaps Foreign Affairs?

  8. Agree with Jan.
    Max at Treasury Board is a good fit.

  9. For a policy initiative lets formally recognize property rights.

    The NDP will go ballistic (even while they will be ineffective as an opposition) but the usual enablers in the Legacy media, academia and the unions will be totally unable to craft a narrative that will make any sense to the average Canadian. "Evil Harper government recognizes your property rights. Thats bad because...."

    Lets see how that one will work, shall we?

  10. I vote for scrapping the HRCs Though formally recognizing property rights would be a good second place for me.
