Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Liberals Losing Credibility

Today's poll question; crying wolf over which false controversy has cost the Liberals the most credibility? Their tactic in opposition has been to start kicking and screaming anytime they catch a whiff of any controversy, but this has not gained them any traction in the polls. Remember when Helena Guergis had that snafu at the airport? Mark Holland went on TV and said that she "assaulted security personnel". After Mansbridge watched the tape, he admitted it wasn't bad. There was the time that a nurse at a remote health station ordered extra body bags, and Iggy got on TV and said that the government was sending the message that they wanted aboriginals to die (where the Tory Health Minister is herself an aboriginese).

Bobby Rae demanded a pig flu vaccine for every man, woman, and child in the country; otherwise Canadians would die and it would be the government's fault. Swine flu then promptly disappeared with barely a whimper. The list goes on. The downside to crying wolf is that when a wolf actually shows up, the town's folk have stopped taking you seriously. Deal with it.

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