Friday, November 5, 2010

Does Layton Want To Lower Price Of Coal Fired Electricity Too?

NDP leader Jack Layton has a clever new campaign commercial heading into the most recent round of byelections where he says that Stephen Harper "doesn't get it" on home heating oil and that federal taxes should be removed from the fossil fuel. It is a move designed to appeal to rural voters in Manitoba who might otherwise vote Conservative. My question to Jack, what about all those people who heat their homes in the winter with coal fired electricity? Should they freeze in the dark while those who use "heating oil" receive a break?
I'm just wondering how Jack jives this new ad with his previous position of making fossil fuels more expensive to save the planet. If this is about all Canadians paying less to heat their homes, then we should be talking about all electricity used for home heating. Does "heating oil" include natural gas? How exactly would Jack logistically cut the tax on "heating oil", and what about the other "heating fossil fuels"? I would like more details.


  1. I saw the ad . . . Jacko said "home heating" . . . so he's either stupid or trying to play on group off against the other.

  2. My Premier, Darrell Dexter, just raised out sales taxes by 2%. Why isn't Jacko looking out for my interests? Isn't Dexter NDP? Waco Jacko...

  3. Jacko Layton...nothing more than an ambulance chaser, looking for votes anywhere he can scratch them out.Pathetic. Keep those sleeves rolled up...Obama is a failure...HOPE & CHANGE? Yeah right Jacko.

  4. But.. but.. Jack if we remove the tax there will be no health-care, schools, police or city services along with the sky raining acid, the globe catching fire, the oceans rising, lakes falling and a great wail through out the world as the poor all drop dead. .
    At least that was Jack's take on lowering or removing ANY tax until now, wonder what pushed him over the edge.

  5. Manitoba has hydro electricity , not coal .

  6. Manitoba uses both coal and hydro.

  7. Cantuc, as one who lived in Manitoba for a long time, nobody wants to heat their house with Hydro. It's way expensive. Like two hundred bucks a month. Lived in a condo with electric heat for one winter. Natural gas is way cheaper.
    And as much as hydro is touted as renewable, it's carbon footprint isn't negligible, either.
    Also, since I see this cartoon commercial in Saskatchewan as well, I figure it's running nationally in places that don't have hydro.

  8. Layton has jumped on this bandwagon only because Dopey Dalton in Ontario drove electricity prices through the roof with his green policies...which Layton just loves. McDopey also brought in the HST which slapped a tax on heating fuel. That's another thing Layton loves...taxes as long as they are on his favourite targets, industry and the wealthy. I responded to another blog on this subject about a week ago, pointing out that this was just another subsidy for Ontario since my heating and electrical costs have gone down over the past three years. The responses that followed all said the same thing, their costs had gone down or remained the same. Layton only wants to cover up for his idiot-in-arms in Ontario.

  9. Manitoba has one thermal(coal and gas-fired) generating station amongst all their hydroelectric assets, it's in Brandon.It's used to reduce peak loads. The coal plant in Selkirk is mothballed, I believe.
