Thursday, November 11, 2010

Liberal Pollster Frank Graves Doubts His Own Poll

Liberal donor and pollster Frank Graves has produced another outlier poll that has Jane Taber very excited. Right after Nanos released a poll that had the Tories at 37%, Graves released a poll that had them at 29%. The guy even said that he did not know if these results are real (it is EKOS, so they rarely are). Other recent polls by other polling firms are closer to the Nanos number than the Graves number.

I think Jane Taber is under contract to write an op-ed piece about every single Graves poll. Suddenly Jane is speculating that the opposition will trigger an election in order to capitalize on the Graves poll. As a Conservative, I would love to see that. Get one outlier poll, trigger an election that Canadians don't want, and pay the price. Calm down Jane. "The two opposition parties are “tantalizingly close” to being able to combine forces and form a majority in the House of Commons" and then she goes on to write "To pollster Frank Graves, this raises the spectre of a coalition government supported by the separatist Bloc Québécois – something Stephen Harper’s Conservatives speak of darkly and love to point out".

Basically she is speculating that the opposition could form government and have to be thinking about it, to condemning the Tories for speaking on an unpopular union in a negative context. I am thinking about forever more referring to Jane Taber as "Liberal activist Jane Taber". That being said, Heather Mallick is still worse.


  1. From what I've seen, Nanos polling is consistent in its accuracy. Just look at the Toronto mayoral election and how Nanos' numbers were on the mark the entire time.

    As far as I'm concerned, pollsters are as susceptible to bias push-polling techniques as columnists are to biased reporting. And we already know that Frank Graves is under scrutiny since his anti-Conservative racism and homophobia comments and call for a culture war by the Liberals.

    It never surprises me to see Nanos numbers being consistent with recent trends and Ekos' polls being extremely off the mark. Nowadays, I only start to feel there's cause for concern when Nanos shows significant shifts.

  2. Jane has an 'uh huh' moment, the coalition is a reality!

    But I'm thinkin' the LibDips are lining up their ducks to run only 'One' candidate in select ridings.

    Of course, if they do, there is no turning back,
    and that move constitutes an unofficial LibDip merger.

    You don't have to look any further than The Iffy Lib party policies, to know negotiations between Iffy and Jack are on going, and that Jack is the boss.
    exhibit A : killing corporate tax cuts

  3. Jane T is a Liberal Party Hack!
