Friday, July 2, 2010

Gun's N Fergie

Anyone who has ever listened to Gun's N Roses knows that former lead singer Axel Rose had one of the most unique voices in music. He hit notes that nobody else could pull off, such that since the band split up, the lead guitarist Slash couldn't very well perform the music without that unique voice of Axel Rose. That is until he listened to Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas. Axel can't be happy that the person they finally found who could hit his notes and replace him would in fact be a woman.

If you like Gun's N Roses, you have to listen to Fergie doing Paradise City. It is unreal how much she sounds like Axel during the screaming parts.


  1. Axel can't even hit the notes he used to so it brings this question to mind. Even if Axel and Slash could mend the fences and tour again and considering Fergie seems to be able to do a passable Axel then what would you pay to see.

    1) an over weight, corn rowed, hair extentioned, drug addeled, hoarse Axel Rose fronting a Guns and Roses concert or

    2) a very passable rendering of Axel's voice done by a very delicious Fergie fronting "Guns and Roses".

    Check out the Sweet Child video with her. Not that you need to see that to make a decision.

  2. I'm all for it as long she always wears those leather pants ;)

  3. Comon, Axl brought attitude back to Rock and Roll that was sorely missing for years. Fergie, although a good copy, personifies corporate music. Axl made me believe in R&R again and saved us from the dreadful hair bands, where "Poison" were "bad"
