Monday, July 19, 2010

Elizabeth May's Democratic Reform

Green Party leader Elizabeth May is a self proclaimed expert on democratic reform. Now that there is a public challenge to her leadership from within her own party, we are reminded of her notion of democracy. She wants to change Canada's constitution to make it easier for her party to get into Parliament, and now she wants to change her own Party's constitution to make it more difficult for her party's membership to vote on her poor leadership. One person's democratic reform is another person's fascism. Let's change the way we have elected our MPs for nearly 150 years so that we can make it easier for Elizabeth to squeeze herself into a seat, then change the Green Party's constitution so she can stay leader for life; and we will call it democratic reform as we toast the brave new world that Lizzy would like to impose upon us.

I watched an interview with leadership rival Sylvie Lemieux (a retired army lieutenant-colonel no less) and my first impression was favourable. Granted she did not discuss policy, and there is a very strong possibility that I will strongly disagree with her policies. At the very least, we both agreed that Elizabeth May's policies are flawed and her leadership has been poor. For now the enemy of my enemy will be my friend. According to Rosemary Barton, Lizzy is quite upset over this leadership challenge. Rosie tried to get Lizzy on the show, but all she got was a "snarky" letter condemning the challenge.

The Greens are in trouble. Their funding is way down, their membership is declining, and now her rivals are publicly challenging their leader. Kind of makes you wonder how Frank Graves has them consistently at the %12 level.


  1. I have said this for a long time, she has a shrill voice and lacks an engaging tv personality.

    Michael Coren had a Green candidate and she spoke very well and did not preach the Green CAGW to the exclusion of everything else. She got it! She also had a military background in the Navy.

  2. What is this new acronym CAGW? If people want to communicate I would appreciate it if they defer theit acronyms to their own circle.

    There is a strong conservative presence within the Green Party members that is not endeared to Lizzy May with her axe.

  3. .."democracy' for me but not for thee..

  4. Yeah! I'm with Hoarfrost. Whats CAGW?

  5. I'm not big on acronyms, and I think our side uses them far too often on this subject.
