Thursday, July 29, 2010

Canadians Split On Long Form Census

I had been under the impression that there was widespread grassroot opposition to the Government's proposed voluntarization of the long form census. Don't let the CBC fool you, because according to Ipsos Reid Canadians are split about 50-50. The Globe and Mail did a survey asking if readers thought the long form census questions are too intrusive, and the results were split 50-50. As it turns out public opinion is not as unanimous as some of the doomsayers in the media have been proclaiming. Personally I support the big census being mandatory, but with a fine not jail time. But while I might oppose the Tories on this change, I hardly believe that it is such a grievous foul as to warrant a recall of Parliament or an election. The census just isn't very high on my list of political priorities.

It just isn't as big a deal with Canadians as the Kady O'Malley's of the world would have us believe. At the rate she's writing on this issue, she'll have enough blog posts to fill a book by the end of the summer.


  1. Like what's the problem, eh? With fifty per cent of Canadians for the long form, like somebody said, there are lots of people to fill it out.

  2. This whole senseless census kerfuffle is only media inspired, anti-Harper, anti-conservative BS. Nobody can convince me that Canadians really want to do government paperwork under penalty of jail or fine!
    If people realized that the majority people whining are non-government special interest groups who will have to detach themselves from the public teat and pay for their own data gathering.
    The Libs and Dippers are still hoping that some of their shit-flinging will stick to a wall somewhere. Good luck with that and, oh, don't get any on yourselves!
    This too shall pass!

  3. Are Canadians 50-50 split? I think 90% of Canadians could care less. Even with all the media hype, most Canadians haven't even taken notice. I doubt the polling on this is as accurate as the opposition and kady would want us to believe. Mandatory Census Form; probably a non-issue for the Tim Horton crowd.

  4. The Liberal media's agenda is to help the Liberal Party. The Federal Liberals are unable to connect with Canadians on issues that matter.

    Shrinking Liberal Core

    The Liberals were able to coast to victory in 2000 with the support of two key groups:
    visible minorities and Catholics. By 2008, the Liberals could no longer count on their loyalty.
    The visible minority vote dropped 14 points between 2000 and 2004 (see Figure 2).3 The main
    beneficiary was the NDP. The Liberals did not lose any further ground in 2006, but in 2008, they lost a massive 19 points. And now it was the Conservatives who benefited. In fact, minority voters were almost as likely to vote Conservative in 2008 as they were to vote Liberal.

    The Census is just more noise from the Liberal friendly media. Outside the Ottawa-Toronto media are we paying attention to Federal Politics in Canada?

    This is summer, the Just Visiting Liberal Express is trying to find crowds, photos keep getting cropped showing no tiny groups of MPs and candidate with party loyalists in the photo.

    We have tuned out the fake alternative and the fake stories.

    Television ratings can confirm CBC is being shunned in greater numbers. FIFA World Cup is no longer bringing eyeballs to the CBC.

    We are witnessing the desperation of the Liberal media trying to be relevant. They are failing.

  5. How many of the 50% in favor have ever filled it out. Why not a poll asking, have you ever had to fill out the long form.
    Until everyone get said long form and it is mandatory we will never know how many people have trouble bending over, or how many families have someone with a mental problem in their home.
    Wonder how many complaints would have been filed if we knew we could. I would take the number that didn't fill it out, or left questions unanswered a better source of how many complained by ignoring it.
    When this first broke it is evident that most, if not all, media honchos had no idea of what was involved, and neither did most of the opposition. Imagine Layton suggesting a solution, take away the threats. When did he wake up to the fact that is what Tony did. And he just renamed it, same thing, different name.
    Sort of like iggy being the same man but his handlers trying to change him.

  6. Does she get paid by the word?
