Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Subsidize Forestry?

I couldn't help but notice today that forestry subsidies are back in the public sphere of debate, namely from the leader of the opposition who is flailing to get his feet back on solid ground in Quebec. On forestry, I would refer you to a post that I wrote in June titled "when they can't see the forestry sector through the trees" that says all that needs to be said on pumping government subsidies into an industry that has experienced an irreversible loss of demand. Or as I said in that piece:

"You can’t force demand and if you attempt to subsidize a reduction of it, you are pumping tax money into a black hole."


I endeavour to make economics as entertaining to read about as possible, with zingers like

"Canada was overwhelmingly in favour of Obama and the Democrats in this past American election, so those people can’t be shocked that suddenly we see trade barriers erecting faster than Pee Wee Herman at an adult theatre."


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