Monday, June 6, 2011

"Creative" Civil Disobedience

If the first week of our new Conservative majority Parliament has taught us anything, it is that we might be entering a new era of creative civil disobedience. More and more people are willing to make asses of themselves for a chance to get on television, and as the CBC audience becomes desensitized to these extreme measures the more extreme the stunts will have to be to produce that coveted 15 minutes of fame. By virtue of the law of diminishing marginal returns, activists need to turn up the volume with each new protest to have the same effect of the one previous. What tool will the "civil disobedience" crowd use in the next 4 years? Flash mobs seem to be all the rage these days. Expect more of those.

Frankly now that we have a majority government, these little PR stunts don't bother me like they would have a few months ago when we were treading lightly in minority waters. Now I find them more amusing than anything. Watching interviews with "Stop Harper Girl", I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. She really believes she is some kind of new age Princess Leia who is leading a rebellion against the evil Emperor Harper. She is really upset that Canadians elected a Tory majority, and in that sense I find her anxiety entertaining. It gave us something more interesting to talk about than a standard boring throne speech, so in a strange way I suppose we pundits owe her a thank you.

Expect more stunts in the coming years, with ever increasing degrees of ridiculousness.


  1. If DePape were really "courageous" as the lefty MSM have been calling her, she'd accept an invitation for an interview on SUN TV with either Brian Lilley or Ezra Levant. I won't hold my breath, but Levant would probably wipe that smile and enthusiasm off her face within two questions.

  2. Well next week I'm going to have Stop Harper tattooed to my face, paint my self purple & yellow, bungee jump off the Calgary Tower while wearing a green leopard skin Tarzan loin cloth and have a long flag of Ecuador hanging out of my bare ass cheeks. HA! Beat THAT!

  3. allegedclimatecriminalJune 6, 2011 at 8:07 AM

    actually CanadianKimchi, if she were really courageous she and her progressive frauds woud take up arms and actually fight; if the Harper gov't is so bad and evil, and obviously she won't accept free elections, an armed uprising to overthrow an evil gov't, ala Arab spring is the ONLY moral, courageous choice

  4. "Well next week I'm going to have Stop Harper tattooed to my face, paint my self purple & yellow, bungee jump off the Calgary Tower while wearing a green leopard skin Tarzan loin cloth and have a long flag of Ecuador hanging out of my bare ass cheeks. HA! Beat THAT!"

    Well, I am doing all that as well only I am going to have a horn sticking out of my ass playing the Hallelujah chorus.

  5. kursk said...
    "Well next week ..... horn sticking out of my ass playing the Hallelujah chorus"

    What can I say? You beat me! I bow to your magnificence!
