Monday, March 1, 2010

Let the Games of the 2010 Canadian Political Olympiad Begin!

The Liberal Party came storming out of the post-Olympic gate with threats of toppling the government if they are not immediately provided with complete information on the Taliban fighter who claimed to be hit by a shoe on the battlefield; and that this should be addressed before the budget. Coincidently simultaneously the "Blight Knights" of the CBC Evan Soloman and Kady O'Malley sure came out guns blazing for the new session of Parliament, doing their best to quickly change the channel from a wildly popular Olympics and a surge in Canadian Patriotism to threats of collapsing the government in a matter of days. Their best strategy is to proceed as though the Olympics never happened, and pick up exactly where they left off when Parliament was last in session. Evan did not discuss the Olympics today after reporting on "DASHED DREAMS" last week.

I'm not complaining. I have grown tired of writing about the Olympics and am eager to get on with "politics as usual". I just think it is futile of them to try and rouse public fury at the government at a time when Canadian patriotism is surging. Guys, do you really think this is a good time for a "Parliamentary Showdown" as Evan Soloman so frequently repeated. We are all proud to be Canadian today, and yet the opposition seems determined to incite anger among the populace.

The opposition played the parts of good lil' patriots for our Olympic crescendo, but right the very next day full steam ahead on threatening non confidence votes and procedures. Ignatieff goes from behaved hockey fan to the next morning flailing his arms around in the foyer of the House of Commons trying to be sarcastic about the budget. If you get a chance to see the video, it is pretty funny. Maybe the best idea as a Tory is to shut up and let Iggy try to turn the people at peak patriotism against their government in a short period of time.

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake"

-Napoleon Bonaparte

PS: If you didn't already know, blight is a type of disease caused by insects.


  1. Iffy looking for a way out, again?:

    ''Liberal MPs say they are willing to relent on an unprecedented House of Commons motion ordering the government to produce secret documents about prisoner transfers in Afghanistan if Prime Minister Stephen Harper agrees to a judicial inquiry into the controversy....'

  2. Political Olympics? The Conservatives are Team Canada.

    The liberals are Belarus

    NDP: Cuba

    Bloc: Venezuela

    Greens: Burkina Faso


  3. Being Patriotic has nothing what so ever to do with the Government.

  4. Tony, I never said the government was responsible for people being patriotic, I am saying that it is much more difficult to turn people against their government when they are rejoicing in the national spirit. There's a difference.

  5. Evan's fans voted 50% yes force an election on the detainee issue, 45% said no with 5% unsure. Evan framed the question in long hand...

    "When Parliament returns later this week, the stage will be set for a showdown over the motion passed last fall, calling on the government to produce all documents relevant to getting to the bottom of the Afghan detainee controversy. So far, the government has not done so, and Opposition MPs are not impressed. Which brings us to our Question of the Day..."

    That's not a loaded question.

  6. I remember the euphoria before Centennial Year and the wonder of Expo '67. It was all downhill after that with the rise of Trudeau. I hope to God we will see the promise of these Olympics and national unity fulfilled.
