Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Thinker's Bounce?

Yesterday in an interview with the CBC, Mr. Ignatieff boldly proclaimed that his pie in the sky Thinkapalooza was "a game changer" (if you don’t think so, just ask him). Yes, gathering a few dozen elites in a Liberal stronghold to make obscene spending promises to be paid for by reversing a tax cut that hasn't happened yet evidently constitutes a transformative breakthrough in Liberal policy. National daycare; boldly going where no Liberal leader has gone before...err maybe I should check my sources. We also need the HRDC to start paying for unemployed workers to get training! I can't believe that we don't do this already, it makes so much sense!...What's that you say? The HRDC already pays for workers to get training? Here I thought that it was one of Iggy's bold new ideas…

It will be interesting to follow the next set of opinion polls to see if the Libs do indeed get a bounce from Thinkstock. I know the CBC likes to imply that if a bounce does not occur after an instance of the Tories performing admirably, this represents either a failure or even a loss of support. We may as well apply the same standards to the Liberal Party. If there is "a bounce" it isn't even good news because you expected it. But it does become bad news when the hypothetical expectation does not occur as you predicted it would.


  1. National Day Care is too costly and at the same time pointless.

    If there is such a demand for it then you would think people would find it to be quite business opportunity to set up their own private day cares and thus "stimulate" their own financial situations* rather then have a government get in the way.

    *(and create jobs while delivering a service customers actually want through choice.)

    Private daycare, private schools, all competing against each-other in a healthy manner rather then against the government. Affordable daycare is best achieved through competition through the private sector. Where people get the real choice on what sort of care they get and for how much.

    Government run daycare only makes it harder for small businesses to take off, since the odds are stacked against you and ultimately in favour.

    In which case the money you end up making gets taxed and used against you.

  2. The game is now dunk the Leader. Step right up and throw a ball. Who can sink this leader fastest?
