Monday, March 8, 2010

Stockwell Day, the Big Bad Wolf?

Ever since the day that Stockwell was assigned the Treasury portfolio, he has been treated by the CBC as some sort of diabolical Bond villain. Forget that once upon a time over 3 million Canadians voted for Stock to be Prime Minister (myself included), he is a very qualified Minister tasked with a very difficult challenge. Every Liberal loves Kevin Page, who says that we are soon to be destroyed by a demographic time bomb and that we must figure out how to cut spending now. Stockwell starts by trimming patronage appointments, and the CBC goes bananas. Kady O'Malley even mused that Day should have showed up at his press conference dressed as a lumberjack wielding a phony axe. Very professional.

The headline at the National Post is "245 political appointments first to go in civil service cuts", the Headline at the Globe is "Stockwell Day axes 245 jobs in first cut" and the headline at the CBC is "Where Day's axe falls". Granted, the CBC does have a conflict of interest, given that they are 75% tax funded and over 90% unionized. You will recall a few weeks ago Stockwell made an announcement about spending, and the CBC again went bananas over something he didn't say. They accused him of threatening to attack public union pensions when he had never said anything about doing so. Meanwhile the CBC reporters are largely tax funded with union pensions. They cannot be impartial on this matter.


  1. ...he has been treated by the CBC as some sort of diabolical Bond villain....
    I thought he was treated very rudely by Craig Oliver on Sunday...

    A little off topic, but does anyone else think the Craig Oliver reminds them of "Sam the Eagle" of the Muppet Show?

  2. Here's some interesting math. I stumbled upon the 2009 CBC annual report, and they listed expenditures of 1.8 billion dollars and that 60% of their costs went to employee wages. That is over a billion dollars in salary to CBC employees. If each CBC employee agreed to a 5% wage cut, they would shave 54 million dollars from their operating costs.

  3. The CBC is a colossal waste of money. It is even more odious that it is taxpayer money. Money that could be used for more productive things. It would be interesting to see what would be CBC's fate if it were put to a referendum. My bet is the vote to save it would be less than is viewership numbers.

  4. hehe cuts are in the air and CBC is so scared LOL. Coyne is walking such a fine line these days. His anti-harper rants are getting feverish. Can he convince us Harper isn't a real conservative before At Issue is nothing but tears in a tissue?

  5. I used to be a fan of Coyne, but he started losing me in November. I'm not sure what to make of him anymore.
