Tuesday, March 30, 2010

There's Nothing About Hillary...

...that I agree with these days. Hillary Clinton's recent foray into Canadian politics is growing tiresome and I am excited she's leaving my country. According to Terry Milewski, Hillary has re-opened the abortion debate in Canada by saying that she believes that safe abortion should be part of maternal health plans. What Terry didn't focus on was how she said that funding foreign abortions should not be Government foreign policy. Terry says that even if you thought the debate ended with the Liberal Opposition Day debacle, well Hillary has opened it up yet again. This despite the fact that she was not promoting funding foreign abortions, which was the whole point of the Liberal O-Day motion!

She also criticized our planned exit from combat operations in Afghanistan as a means of attempting to bully us to extend our presence. If I personally had a vote on the matter I would choose to extend our mission, though I would have our forces moved back up to Kabul. But I don't think being critical of Canada is going to win any hearts and minds, and getting tough talk from Hillary makes me less likely to want to assist our ally in their endeavour. What she should have done was talk about how fantastic our military is and how they won't be able to get by without us. That would have been more effective than being hyper-critical.

Of course she started off her visit by "blasting" our Government for not inviting more countries to the G8 foreign minister's meeting. I counted 8 foreign ministers at the big table. To be fair, should we just invite representatives from every country in the world to attend G8 meetings? Is that why they happen, so the whole world can be here? I would agree that the G20 should take higher priority than the G8, but how often are hosts of G8 foreign ministers meetings criticized for not inviting more countries? I can't imagine that happens a whole lot. Next time let’s not invite Hillary and see how she takes it.


  1. Yeah, just wow. What she has done is unbelievable, coming into a foreign country and then acting all entitled. She should know better than to intervene in another country's politics, especially on a sensitive issue like abortion.

  2. If she had the mission of procuring an extention of our military operations in Afghanistan, there are more diplomatic means of achieving that objective.

  3. Not too diplomatic for the head diplomat of the USA.

    Is she also telling Obama how to treat Israel?

  4. Iceman, I may be mistaken but I think Clinton was referring to the five Arctic nations discussing territoriality claims, not the G8. Her position was that of the EU; there should be more nations at the talk (and non-nations like the Inuit).

    Overall, it's getting quite ridiculous. But this administration has had a tendency to try and interfere in the affairs of friendly nations while turning a blind eye to dangerous nations.

  5. Anyone know an email address to send warm thoughts to her??

    Michael St. Paul's

  6. How about insisting that other Nato countries do their part?

    Anyway I watched the CBC news last night and each story tried to attack Harper or the federal government. Even the story on Haiti criticized Ottawa, no not for cutting off an individual aid project in Haiti as the story implied, but for not stepping up and giving funding to a programme on the ground.

    But there was great praise for Air Canada for its aid work in Haiti

  7. Can you imagine the MSM reaction if this had been Condie Rice saying all this crap? I picture riots and demonstrations in the streets from all the anti-Bushites.

  8. I guess this diplomat is used to getting her own way or a least being thought of as all wise and knowing. Must rub off from her boss...You just don't go into someones country and instill your views on medical treatment....there are boundries you don't cross...abortion may be fine in the north american world but in some countries that is a threshold you don't cross...to offer the basic of medical assistance as to clean water and innoculations and nutrition is within the guidelines without treading on a countries toes

  9. So Hillary also opened up the 'funding for abortion' issue in the US too.
    The US doesn't fund US abortions, will they come to the table insisting on US funded 3rd world abortions?
    I'm thinking there will be a climbdown.

  10. Didn't they pass the Health care package by getting a Presidential (note from O'mom) that they would not fund abortion in the U.S.
    what a hypocritical b$%#h.

    Hillary go home and keep an eye on Bill.
