Sunday, March 28, 2010

Canada at 150: Strong Job Growth

Saturday at Drinkerpalooza...err Thinkapalooza...I watched the Liberal Party applaud Canada's fantastic job growth in early 2010. Wait, sorry, allow me to correct myself, I actually saw that in the Globe and Mail:

"The Canadian economy has caught fire much quicker than expected, with home building, hiring and even car buying surpassing the most optimistic forecasts.

While observers were once predicting 2010 would be a year of slow growth and high unemployment, the past few weeks have seen better-than-expected indicators on almost every economic front."

I suppose this news was lost on Thinkstock; "thinkers" too preoccupied with two tier healthcare in 2017 to see fantastic economic news in 2010. I thought Ralph Goodale just said that we are on the wrong would terrible economic news be considered the right track for his political career? I'm sure that's what he meant to say by the wrong track, that we are on the wrong track for Liberal short term election vote maximization. Liberals often speak in code, and it is not until you find that decoder ring in the cereal box that you can "see the matrix".


  1. I am thankful for all the comic material available from Montreal.

    the games, internal leadership fighting, firing Dion, Janine letter was bang on about the future of the party.

  2. Iffy said,
    Harper gets to wear the recession....and refused to contribute to the stimulus budget and the recovery budget.
    No credit is due to Iffy and the clown party.
