Monday, April 5, 2010

Parole Reform

This afternoon I watched a parliamentary debate panel on the issue of Canadian Parole reform. The panel featured Liberal MP Mark Holland, Tory MP Shelly Glover, and an NDP guy who hardly had the chance to speak. Holland's exchange with fellow panelist Shelly Glover was a classic example of a Liberal accusing a Conservative of "playing politics" while he himself was "playing politics". It seemed as though his answer to every point of contention was that Tories are engaging in political warfare, seemingly oblivious to his own childish behavior.

Of course Holland's face is most recognizable from his deeply partisan theatrics in Question Period, where he routinely alleges right wing conspiracies in response to news of the day. If I had to determine who has been his closest mentor, I would guess Ralph Goodale. He becomes consumed with outrage at the drop of a hat, capable of flying off the handle with little or no provocation.


  1. Still waiting for Mark's and Marlene Jennings contempt of parliament charge.

  2. Exactly Sam! Didn't the Speaker have a set time frame to make a decision?
