Friday, April 23, 2010

Xenophobia Polling

When was the last time a pollster called your home and asked if you are xenophobic or racist? Evidently these questions are being asked, as Frank says he can prove stereotypes with statistics (as if that excuses his statement as a CBC paid pollster). He is now making incendiary remarks about the entire demographic of Conservative voters, calling it a haven for racists and homophobes. Is he going to show us this empirical evidence, because I would be very curious to know the exact language of the question his polling firm asked.

EKOS Research must have their contract with the CBC terminated. A polling firm led by a Liberal party donor who seeks to pit Canadian against Canadian and slander a large demographic should not be under contract with our public broadcaster to measure public opinion. I strongly encourage you to send your complaints to the CBC.


  1. Yup. Time for Frank Graves to go.

    What Graves really means is that he has data that he thinks that he can portray as suggesting that conservative Canadians are racist or homophobic at a higher rate than other Canadians.

    But as I've pointed out before, Frank Graves' objection to the Manning Centre poll isn't that it drew poor conclusions based on the questions that it asked, but rather that Graves thinks it asked the "wrong" questions.

  2. I've filled out Ekos polls and I lean heavy Conservative, I think he just slandered me.

  3. Graves should be fired and CBC apologizing.

  4. CBC must come clean!
    Did this crown corporation commission Graves to run a poll asking Canadians if they are xenophobic or racist?

  5. "I do believe, and this gets more subtle, that there is a higher incidence of people who are less tolerant to homosexuals and more wary of other races, within the Conservative Party. I can demonstrate that empirically.

    I thought Graves only polled people on whether they voted for the CPC. Not whether they are a member of the CPC. Obviously there's a big difference.

    There's no way I would tell a pollster that I'm a member of the CPC. It's none of their damn business.

  6. I am not bigoted, I hate everybody equally.

  7. Who will EVER answer a EKOS poll honestly now? Not me and in!
    What a can anyone respect this process now?

  8. I, for one, could care less what race a person is. But what I just wrote is proof positive with the prog leftist that I and others of like mind are certified racists.

    You see, if you’re not wallowing and wailing in the guilt that they have conjured up from the fetid cesspool of their voodoo theology, well, that would make you a straight up racist. That’s how things work in the Prog Kookdom.

  9. After the parliamentary committee is done with Jaffer, I wonder if they could summon Frank Graves of EKOS Research, for examination of his conduct and his relationship, with the CBC and the Liberal party, before the RCMP are asked to launch an investigation, on behalf of Canadian taxpayers. I expect the CBC ombudsman, ethics commissioner and the Auditor General should also be summoned to investigate apparent conflict and possible fraud involving taxpayer funds.
    In view of recent statements and revelations, once Canadians learn that Graves’ firm is paid by the CBC (funded by the Canadian taxpayer) and that Graves has contributed $11,042.72 to the Liberal Party, and contributed to the leadership campaigns of Ignatieff and Bob Rae and has been the recipient of 61 million dollars of government (taxpayer monies) contracts from the Liberals in return, Canadians will seek and demand some answers.
    Canadian taxpayers are much too astute, to be duped by Graves’ clumsy and inept attempt, to claim he also contributed to the Conservatives, when on a cursory examination we find that contribution was a paltry 449 dollars to a Conservative candidate. This calculated deceitful ploy may have allowed him to publicly state that he contributed to both political parties ( hoping details would not be divulged) but it did not stand up as being candid and scrupulous, on close detailed inspection.
    Recent reports in the media of his actions, and his own statements in interviews, has opened this can of worms, so appropriate players must now deal with it, since millions of taxpayer’s dollars are involved, and these are not allegations and innuendo but are a matter of fact.
    Can we expect that Pat Martin will ask Graves if he received cocaine as payment for services rendered either from the Liberal party or from the CBC?
