Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What Was Iggy's Dumbest Shadow Cabinet Appointment?

Today's poll question, what was Ignatieff's dumbest shadow cabinet appointment this week? While John McCallum will be sorely missed by Conservatives in the finance portfolio, you must appreciate the irony of an MP with a history of public intoxication who can't remember what kind of car he drives being assigned Transport critic. I'm not sure it is a smart move putting this guy in charge of planes, trains, and automobiles. Blowhard Gerard Kennedy seems well suited to the Environment, where blowhardiness is a common trait among environmental activists. Ralph Goodale becomes Iggy's first deputy leader, which feels like a shot across Bob Rae's bow. Was Tie Domi not available? Bobby is the next in line to the throne, but I don't know if Liberal rules allow deputies to supplant the leader before a leadership convention. God help us all if we ever put Justin Trudeau in charge of the real office of Citizenship and Immigration.

So what would you say was the worst pick?


  1. I don't think any of them will increase his popularity, but might nudge Canadians memories of what this bunch did re Icome trusts, adscam etc.
    Demote one drunk promote another.
    If Dave M really wants more decorum in QP perhaps he should have a talk to his caucus members, to tone down their faux outrage. With iggy out and about with his open mike, Goodale will steal the spotlight. My question is, what will iggy wear in the HofC, checked shirts or suit and tie. Wont that tell us that the tour de farce attempt to be a comman man was a stunt.
    Mary T

  2. Keeping himself as leader?

    I have included May-September Nanos Leadership Index. People don't trust him.

    Will Iggy continue to use Graves strategy, to divide Canada? I think yes. So far we have:
    1. Abortion for developing countries paid by us.
    2. Support of the gun registry.
    3. French for judges.
    4. Promoting "scandals".
    5. Demonize our troops.

    The poll found Ignatieff earned a net negative score in every region of the country, among men and women, all age groups and all education levels. He scored worse than Harper among all demographic groups, except Quebecers and those with post-graduate degrees.
    Harris Decima Poll Aug 12-22

  3. I wonder if Scott Brison will be e-mailing out any investment tips on unreleased government policy as the new Liberal Finance critic?

  4. Iggy's low leadership numbers, plus the fact he's never run a national campaign, means that Lib MPs will remain nervous nellies. The conventional wisdom is that a leader who polls lower than his party will drag his party down.

    We saw that with Dion in 2008. And even here in Alberta, there were rumours of the PCs dumping Stelmach because of his low popularity.

    So that leader/party dynamic is a serious thing, which Donolo has to figure out some way to finesse, narrative-wise and strategy-wise, throughout a 36 day campaign.

    As to Iggy's dumbest appointment ? Keeping himself on as leader !

  5. Guess no women were available, they are out and about with Holland. Is this going to be the cabinet in waiting, and waiting and waiting for their turn at the trough.
    Mary T

  6. Have to agree with Mary T, where are all the women? MH Findlay too busy with Tom Clark? Anita Neville, Marlene Jennings and Hedy Fry too busy looking for faux scandals?

  7. So many choices...., it's tough to choose.

  8. My pick is Kennedy in Environment. As if that portfolio can't go to anyone other than a downtown Toronto hippie leftist.

    Since when was John McCallum publicly drunk? I thought that was Ralph Klein's thing.

  9. Top Can,

    When he was barred from an Air Canada flight for being drunk:

  10. Wow, wasn't that like 8 years ago. I'm willing to forgive and forget. Look at Rob Ford.

  11. Rob Ford is not a Federal MP. Seems that was forgotten when the media and opposition attacked Helena.
