Friday, September 3, 2010

The Atwood Hypocrisy

Let me get this straight, Margret Atwood told the Globe and Mail that she supports censorship of a potentially right leaning Canadian news organization because of "what she sees as Mr. Harper’s pattern of silencing the voices of his critics". She wants to silence voices that have a different opinion than she does about politics because of what she perceives as our Prime Minister silencing the voices of those who do not agree with him. If that is not a steaming heap of hypocrisy, I don't know what is. The creation of a news network that favours one party over another is not silencing any voices, it is creating more voices. There will be more opinion in the public sphere, and artists should be encouraging free speech instead of demanding censorship just because they disagree with an opinion. There are plenty of voices favourable to the Liberal Party in the national media. I don't hear Margie demanding that their voices be silenced.

This network would create more jobs for media members and more competition in the media market. When the establishment blowhards like Don Newman come out attacking more voices in the national conversation, it isn't about principles it is about ratings and competing for audience share. Isn't it bad enough that the CRTC mandates that people must get the CBC? Subscribers have to have the CBC in their cable packages. That's the law. They make you buy it. But giving people the option to purchase a product that they want watch because it is more likely to be consistent with their opinion; suddenly the sky is falling?

Why are "artists" supporting censorship?


  1. "Why are "artists" supporting censorship?"

    Well primarily because they approve of it. They and the 'intellectual class' in general are now fundamentally anti-intellectual in tone and content. They don't agree with the marketplace of ideas if ever they really ever did. All is for the best in their best of all possible worlds and they have no understanding of why others might not see it that way.
    Atwood is a disgrace. Had I ever read any of her work I would now be disappointed. But I haven't and I'm not. She' the type that screams fascist at her opponents while being one herself.

  2. Don't buy cable, don't buy CBC. Its nice to have TV on tap but now that I'm used to it, I don't really miss it. Everything I want and more is right here on the computer. I pipe it right into my big screen. I can afford cable these days but there isn't really a reason to spend money on it. I even watched the last CFL away Game in HD live. What is the point of Cable? I pay for cable with my beer when I'm out and with my gym membership already. One of these days google or apple or someone is going to clean it right up and the old one way cable packages and appointment TV will be gone forever.

  3. The anti suntv crowd can't handle the fact that a lot of us will pay extra to get it, on top of being forced to buy cbc.

  4. Why are artists supporting censorship ?_ great question... My answer would be that Atwood isnt an artist at all... As the great Canadian pianist Glen Gould said- * It is the artists job to fight against the socialist state*... Atwood is a hypocrite and a nit-wit.

  5. It all reminds me of "Atlas Shrugged", those who can do, do, and the can't do, suck off the teat of those who can do. Atwood, is a teat sucker who feels superior to us peons. A typical Liberal in other words.

  6. SunTV is gonna be on the air one way or another.
    The left's reaction to it got my back up at first.
    They actually think they can stop it.
    They can't.

    If the business model is sound and Quebecor can demonstrate that they are serving an untapped market for news then the CRTC has no grounds for denying this application.
    I don't think they'll get Newsworld status but people will get the option to buy it.
    And they won't need Newsworld status because people want this channel, precisely because the left doesn't.

  7. Just like the Bloc protested 'their' future separatists having their young minds filled with 'national' pride,
    the Atwood's don't want Canadians to hear an alternate view of the world for fear 'their' special interest clout would be diminished.

    It's always, always about money and power.

  8. Levant tells us about Billionaire George Soros,
    and it's easy to understand why Climate Change Financier Soros is on the attack.
    PMSH was last man standing in Copenhagen, and stopped some very influencial people from getting rich from a global climate scheme.
    I wonder too if Soros was involved in the global bank tax?
