Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Jaffer Hung Out To Dry?

I couldn't help but notice that after Rahim Jaffer's testimony today, many in our national press gallery were expressing shock and awe that the Tory MP asked some difficult questions. Kady O'Malley could barely contain her glee as she suggested that Jaffer had been abandoned and betrayed by the Conservative Party. Did they seriously expect the Tory MP to go sit beside Rahim on the witness stand and defend him against vicious attacks from Pat Martin? The defendant may have violated lobbying laws, whether he intended to or not, and thus it would be stupid for the Tories to defend his actions before any investigation has been completed.

You had Pat Martin saying yesterday that he didn't want this to be a circus, then he shows up the next day and turns it into a circus! It was insane! Yet that was scarcely mentioned in the CBC analysis of the testimony; instead we get musings of Tories mauling their own. If Mr. Jaffer broke the law in this case, he should face appropriate punishment. It would be stupid for the Government to "back him up" at this stage in the process. I'm sure had the Tory defended Jaffer, he'd have been sharply criticized for defending him; and asking some difficult questions constitutes being hung out to dry. Rosie wants to have her cake and eat it too.


  1. It is going to be a KHS circus all over again.

  2. Pat Martin is guilty of slander, he exaggerated the amount of cocaine in Jaffers possession. Martin portrayed a dislike for Jaffer and it's clearly political posturing.

    I don't think the Conservatives hung Jaffer out, the questions that were asked were what should have been expected, Jaffer screwed himself while answering questions about his personal website, which he answered much better in the media scrum outside.

  3. Jaffer is a disgrace and embarrasment.

  4. Jaffer was hung out to dry by the CPC.
    He definitely gave the 'perception' of breaking the lobbying rules, tho may not have 'legally' done so, perception is everything in the dirty game of politics.
    Harper runs a zero tolerance party and government, there is nothing iffy about the man.

    Speaking from the heart, this whole affair has been a vulturous , a sickening attack on 2 human beings and their lives and careers, from all parties and the media.

  5. I believe in holding politicians to account. But the Guergis-Jaffer circus is becoming sick. There are 308 MPs, probably a 1000 ex-MPs, and yet it seems every news agency is devoting its entire resources to digging up or manufacturing trash on 2 of those people.

    Sorry, but I don't believe for a nanosecond that Pat Martin or the rest of those goons care in the slightest about lobbying laws. They are simply abusing the Parliamentary committee system for their own selfish political gain.
