Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My Big Fat Greek Bailout

Looks like it is getting a little dicey in Greece, and now there seems to be a debate in Canada as to whether or not we should chip in some billions of dollars to bailout their gluttonous public sector unions. How Canada got roped into discussions to save Europe from socialism I don't know, and I have to think that this is not going to get much traction among the Canadian population. Look, I have nothing against Greece. It flourished for hundreds of years as a Turkish vassal state, and maybe one day it can be restored to its former glory as the world super power it was 2500 years ago. I'm not discounting the impossible; I'm just saying that I want nothing to do with it.

Be warned Dalton McGuinty, this is the same slippery slope that you are navigating by your appeasement to the public unions who helped elect you. It is not sustainable to proliferate that level of public spending, and eventually somebody is going to have to pay the Piper. Those people rioting in the streets are the people trying to protect their gluttonous union benefits. Once you give them their pound of flesh, it is not something they will part with easily.


  1. I'm not buying it. Got a link to a credible story?

  2. The bailout of Greece, the big international banks and financial institutions, and the auto manufacturers is just a license for them to continue their profligate ways. The only problem is the fact that the average taxpayer is the one paying to purchase that license.
