Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ignatieff Strong Leadership

In the aftermath of the vote that saved the gun registry, I have been hearing voices from the left proclaiming this as an example of strong leadership for the Liberal leader. He was successfully able to pistol whip his caucus into voting to save a registry that the Liberals created. Had the MPs vulnerable on this issue stayed home, it would have been a catastrophic defeat after Iggy guaranteed they'd be there. Let’s not forget that he is being praised for something that political parties are supposed to be able to do each time they crack the whip. It’s funny that we have come to expect so little from him that as soon as he successfully does something the Tories are able to do 100% of the time, roll out the red carpet and start planning the parade route!

I suppose if you set the bar low enough, any rudimentary task can seem spectacular by comparison. Lowered expectations people, that's the name of the game. It was a strategic move to risk the few rural seats the Liberals had remaining in order to shore up their majority support in Toronto and Montreal. I'll admit that it would have been amusing had Liberal MPs again defied the whip, but getting them to show up for a whipped vote is not in and of itself a sign of strong leadership.


  1. but with their strong media allies, this can be trumpeted as wondrous news - the ensuing editorial writing should be a tell-all

  2. He strong armed good people into criminality. Big victory for urban know-it-alls and a taste of things to come if we don't get ready for the big push.

  3. Well said Iceman. The Liberal islands of support in Toronto and Montreal and the media continue to shrink. Sadly, Liberal shibboleths such as high gov't spending continue to grow.

  4. Ignatieff tactics reminds me of George Armstrong Custer strategic blunder at the Little Bighorn.

    He is not prepared.

  5. For his next show of leadership,
    Iffy can whip his MPs into all supporting a carbon tax!!!

  6. It would be interesting to know what threats Granpa Iggster employed on his Liberal minions to ensure the end of debate on the LGR. Maybe he was going to force all Librano$ to wear checkered shirts and Quebec made cowboy boots. Or perhaps he just hypnotized them all with his eyebrows.

  7. I guess you could say that Iggy put a gun to their heads?
