Friday, September 10, 2010

9/11 Conspiracies

I just finished watching an excellent documentary on the History channel debunking the 9/11 conspiracy theories, and I have to tip my hat to the good people at Popular Mechanics for their fantastic technical analysis, especially Davin Coburn. It is one thing to believe that George Bush received information that there was a possible terrorist attack about to occur in the United States and failed to take necessary precautions; but to believe that W. and his people actually carried out the attack takes a special kind of mental disorder. Was 9/11 preventable? Absolutely. Did George Bush order the planes to be hijacked and flown into the World Trade Centers? Are you f#@king crazy???

Here is a part of the documentary. The rest of it is available on Youtube.


  1. GREAT post, I'm watching it now and way past my bedtime!

    I have some wacko's in my life that were Bush haters, that bought in to this theory and I continously told them how disrespectful it was to the victims.

    The calm, reasoned rebuttals versus the 'oh buts' has been profound in this documentary.

    A mysterious mind numbing mess in the minds of the insensitive left.
    They are so frightening.

  2. The same people are likely to believe the moon landing was fake as well.

    It is an industry much like the Global alarmists, filled with actors trying to make a buck.

    Some people just can't separate the production from reality.

  3. Yah, and I saw Elvis just the other day.

  4. I watched the same program last night, and one similar to it on Discovery the night before.

    I put conspiracy theorists into two categories. One, people who hate the government(not one particular government, but the institution) so much that their hate turns to paranoia, and they start to see the bogeyman in every elected official or public servant.

    And two, people who love something so much that it blinds them to logic, and reason. In this case it's people who cannot fathom that so much damage could be done to the country that they love by 19 suicidal maniacs. They start to rationalize their disbelief, and soon it becomes a reality to them.

  5. I saw that program too. What's telling is that the producers of the so-called film Loose Change edited its content after the debunking of their more outlandish theories. Pretty soon Loose Change won't have a leg to stand on.

    Louise M.

  6. What people don't seem to get is that the terrorists could of had their own chemical&explosive cocktail on the planes themselves.

    Why wouldn't they?

    It's a much more logical theory to assume.

    A single underwear bomber was able to bring on board whatever it was he had and not so long ago,... why not a group of them?

    Just saying...

  7. ^what I meant was:

    Why assume terrorist wouldn't bring some extra "kom-pow-pow" sauce mix? Especially after the first failed WTO attacks.

    Forgive my lack of a better term.

  8. This documentary spoke with the editors of Popular Mechanics as a source of reference in order to take apart the science of the Truth Movement.

    What they failed to do was bring up the fact that David Ray Griffin countered every single aspect of the Popular Mechanics so called effort.

    Anyone who is really interested in the science needs to look a little deeper into this -Start by reading Debunking 9/11 Debunking by David Ray Griffin.

    Also the producers of this documentary avoided the biggest issue - building 7 - it was mentioned in passing but then was completely left out in the analysis of the collapses...

    Just saying....

    Neil B.
