Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Conservative Party of Canada: Apocalypse Now?

Here I have spent all this time ardently supporting the Conservative Party of Canada in a public blog, blissfully unaware that I was supporting the Apocalypse Party. Right now in Ottawa, because one leftard wrote a book, Ottawa is a buzz with accusations that Tory MPs believe that the world is soon coming to an end and we are all going to die. Everything the Conservatives do is to prepare for the end of the world, allegedly. When I oppose tax funding of the CBC, allegedly it is only because I want the world to end. Apocalyptic theology allegedly drives my life. I never knew, but a left wing author asserts otherwise.

Personally I find these accusations to be insane, but that is just my humble opinion. Evan Soloman's audience believe that religious fundamentalists have hijacked the Conservative Party. I didn't even know.


  1. Between Global Warming and Iranian nukes this could be true! My advice spend your money now, who knows where the stock market will be after the EU tanks. Cheers.

  2. Hey,there's no sense denying it any longer,we might as well just confess the truth.

    Our illustrious Leader,Kim-Il-Harper,talks to God on a regular basis,and He plans to bring on the Apocalypse once the Conservatives win a majority.

    The Liberals,NDP,Bloc,and Greens, will all go to Hell, as I've been telling them to for years.


  3. Ha, my pops got a bunker mentality but he's not a conservative and still believes what the cbc pundits say. (last I checked)

    He's not a liberal but he's one of those, "I'm neutral." which in Canada (and growingly in the states) means "I'm ignorant."

    I tell him things are on the up in the long term but he just doesn't get it.

    Convinced the world will end in his lifetime due to a fatalistic defeatist mindset, which is more likely a fear of growing old and passing on some day. He's Likely a decade or three away from that anyway.

    He's fallen for the line that "corporations are going to take over the world!" As in one world government sort of sense.

    .... corporations.... cause they, like"elitist bankers" have every desire to rule our lives.... "not the socialist cabal". What an idiot.

    Oh, and last I checked he thought Obama was a "pragmatic centrist".... BAHAHAHAHAHA!

    It doesn't make sense that he thinks so since he's a brilliant researcher yet DOESNT THINK TO RESEARCH THE NEWS!

    Sports and health, check! politics? nope!

  4. It is the environmentalists who believe the world is coming to an end. Actually, I think it was supposed to end a few years ago. Environmentalists are far more dangerous to our liberties than an average "religious" person ever could be.


  5. Recently at a Conservative party convention ...

  6. I blame this all on Canada! We should nuke em!

    The Southpark Prophet was correct.

  7. Maybe we should have a seance the way a certain long term Liberal Prime Minister used to have. he sure new what religion appeals to the masses.

  8. There is a rational grain of truth to "pop's" mentality. Copenhagen was the beginning test of a future world government, where the 3rd world and NGOs will be making policies to ensure that wealth is re-distributed and social justice is determined by the UN, with thugs on the human rights committees, and will pressure/overrule sovereign governments. An elite will survive.

    A lot of pressure is being put on the non-believers. Look at the trouble Harper is having convincing the world not to tax Canada's banks, as well as cap and trade dance designed for the future carbon derivatives market in Montreal. That said, our banks are investing in/ buying US failed banks in a country that does not have solid regulations.

    Then you have Bill Gates cancelling big money to a Canadian crown Corp because he does not like conservative Barbara McDougall's supposedly conflicting director positions, as this is against the grain of the IDRC "we will tell you how to live in a smoke-free world and buy our quit-smoking pharma products agenda". That is scary power. Have a look at what socialist stuff that particular NGO is funding.

    Wealthy foundations are funding very socialistic research, but it is all linked to commercial interests in green products, real estate and pharma, as well as to reducing world population when we finally get mad enough to fight for liberty.

    The WHO H1N1 scare caused the government waste a lot of $$ to fund GSK to powersell an untested product. Research Maurice Strong and Power Corps. Nancy Pellosi wants US ministers to tell their flocks that socialism is best, so this book is an attempt to politicize religion in Canada. I do think that there is an international agenda to force America and Canada to a more "collectivist" stance and to increase dependency of individuals on the state. They already have taken over the EU.

    Thanks rural and right - we need to start thinking about freedom.

  9. And the left wingnut movie 2012 isnt apocalyptic?Or the New World Order?Or how about that video called Zeitgiest?Mayan Calendar?Global cooling/warming?Eco nuts?Commies on the left have their own doomsday scenarios.Unfortunately their side owned the 20th century for genocide.

