Friday, May 14, 2010

Avoiding a Coalition of Losers

I have to thank our friends across the pond for coining this "Coalition of Losers" moniker, in the event that the 2nd and 3rd place parties attempt to form government immediately after an election, circumventing the party that finishes in 1st place with the most seats. I am going to have to borrow this expression when the opposition tries to grab power after the next Canadian election, whenever that might be. With this agreement on detainee documents, the probability of an election before the summer recess has fallen considerably. Maybe this summer Iggy will attend a few BBQs and try to build up some momentum for his annual fall showdown?

This fall will mark the 2 year anniversary of our minority Parliament. After that point, the probability of a sudden collapse of government increases considerably. I think a lot of Canadians have grown tired of minority government and will want to vote for a majority. The Tories are mere inches away from majority status, where the probability of the Liberals forming a majority after the next writ has to be less than 15%. If you are going to place a wager that the Liberals win a majority next election, be sure to get at least 10 to 1 odds. The most likely means of the Liberal Party of Canada taking the Prime Minister’s Office is by forming a coalition of losers. AND if the Prime Minister appoints a Governor General who is unlikely to be receptive to an east coast coalition of losers, then the ability of the losers to form a coalition falls considerably.

Like sands through the hour glass, so are the days of our lives...

Do you think Canada could ever have a coalition government between Tories and the NDP?

No (87%)
Yes (9%)
Undecided (3%)


  1. I recommend a coalition with my wallet. Leave me alone and I will vote for you!

    Stop wasting money on make-work projects. Speed up the Reviews, shrink the socialist tax wasting NGO's that are ineffective. Reinvest in real tangible programs to help people.

  2. o/t
    Liberal MP Pablo Rodriguez charged after breathalyzer incident

    So, was he handcuffed, the cop goes back to his car to get his jacket, finds coacaine, then he is strip searched and not allowed to talk to his lawyer?

  3. I find that British politics tend to be harder on the vanquished than Canadian politics are. It also seems to demand clear winniers, whenever possible.

    The Tory/LDP coalition is the closest thing the 2010 election has offered to a clear winner.

  4. Our tradition is whoever wins the most seats gets to be PM. Even PET knew that and let Clark have the PM chair even though he won by only one seat.
    We don’t form coalitions of losers or try to sway who becomes GG, Iffy would know this if he had lived in Canada most of his life.

  5. Hey, Liberals don't drink and drive.

  6. Coaltions are part of Westminster Parliaments. GEt over it.
