Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Trudeau Coronation Begins

Tonight Justin Trudeau will officially launch his bid to become the next Liberal leader, in what many expect to be a coronation rather than a leadership race. Justin is a far greater threat to the NDP than he is to the Conservatives, as you can guarantee he'll be fighting hard for votes in Quebec, where the Dippers had their major breakthrough in the last election. Tom Mulcair should be far more worried than Stephen Harper. Perhaps the biggest question is who would give the Liberals the best chance of winning the next election, Trudeau or Rae? Personally if I had to decide between Trudeau or Mulcair, I'd have to go with Mulcair. Justin is a little bit nuts. He'll speak about himself in the 3rd person and has an exaggerated belief in his own greatness, which is his birth right dammit! He's no piece of *bleep*.

Trudeau makes Mulcair look reasonable and pragmatic. And yet, is there anyone to oppose the young future King? Rae has dropped out of the race, or forced out, however you want to look at it. As a Tory, the Liberal who worries me the most is Dominic LeBlanc. There is no doubt in my mind that Stephen Harper would eat Justin Trudeau alive in the debates. Justin has an unusually high probability of saying something outrageous and idiotic in hindsight.


  1. Justin Of Trudeau the "Hair apparent"

  2. Making Justin leader should lay to rest the rotting corpse of the Liberal Party. He may get some seats in Quebec but Liberal voters in the ROC will flee, some to the left but most to the right. PM Muclair? I don't think so.

  3. Well Rick Mercer and the CBC are doing there best to humanize Mulcair.

    Still don't think Trudeau will do that well in francophone Quebec where he is considered to be a joke.

  4. Can't wait to see Trudeau on Rick Mercer's show. I wonder if RM will salivate openly.

    It is said that adversity builds character,so why are the Liberals contemplating electing another "fortunate son" to lead them? Stupidity? Or insanity, as in "insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly while expecting a different result"?

    Justin Trudeau should be encouraged to go the same route as another former PM's son, Ben Mulroney, and work as a show host on Canadian TV,where we can change the channel at will if he bothers us too much.

    Elect the SOB to the PM's office and we're stuck on his channel for four years!


  5. Justin Trudeau, the lisping lothario, seducer of metrosexual male media talking heads (thought Don Newman was getting a little stiffy in today's article expounding on the glories of the hair-do).

    It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad that a lot of sheep are going to buy into this farce

  6. I just fail to see the math for a Liberal resurgence under Trudeau Jr. In Quebec his father poisoned Liberal fortunes after 1982 to an extent that no Liberal, even Chretien, managed to carry a majority of seats. Unless Mulcair completely collapses, at best he would be fighting NDP for some of the Quebec seats.
    In Alta, Man and Sask the name resonates with extreme displeasure.
    In Ont, Toronto and urban enclaves may be moved by nostalgia, but rural Ont is as barren to Liberals after McGuity's GEA as Alta was with the Trudeau NEP.

    This leaves Maritimes and parts of BC, but there are simply too many regions where he will be a non-starter at best, a laughing stock at worst.

  7. Dominic declared before the Ignatieff coronation.
    He was patient enough to keep his powder dry while Rae played his last hand.
    He'll declare again.
    And he'll win.
    Because he's not a ponce.

  8. There is no doubt in my mind that Shiney will receive a coronation. I hope to hell that idiot doesn't become our next PM. If he does I might look in to moving elsewhere, and I am a loyal Canadian.

  9. Amazing that polls show a Trudeau led Liberal party leading with Conservative numbers tanking...all it takes is a famous name and good hair I guess.

  10. I'm not sure if I go along with the assertion that baby doc trudeau will become PM. I mean the thought of that happening is truly frightening, but I just can't see Canadians being that reckless, superficial and STUPID!! IMO, the little Trudeau skid-mark will lead the Liberals into a further abyss, ironically finishing off the destruction and rot his warped Father began. I for one am not the slightest bit worried about the dopey Dauphin becoming PM, it will never happen!

  11. old white guy says...... just what the country needs, another silver spoon socialism from quebec.

  12. Isn't it time the Liberals picked a woman leader? For all their progressive ideas...

  13. Well that should wipe the smirk of NDP faces. The only thing missing from Trudeau v2.0's campaign launch was a bubble machine. Since Trudeau Jr is all about generational change and nobody over 40 can work on his campaign; what happens when he turns 41? Who needs a women when you've got Baby Ga Ga?

  14. Baby Ga Ga indeed.

  15. Just hope he takes the wind out of the ndpq sails. That will be the fight in the next election.
