Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Media Confusing Stockwell Day For Tony Clement

It would appear that somebody forgot to tell our national press gallery that Stockwell Day is not the minister in charge of the census, as a group of reporters ambushed him with census questions when he was attempting to discuss Canada's stellar economic performance. The fact that he was harangued with questions about another minister's portfolio is headline news to Jane Taber, setting the agenda at the Globe and Mail. In her editorial, Jane never mentions that the census is not Day's portfolio; she merely delights in journalists refusing to ask questions about Stock's actual responsibilities.

Is this going to be the new professional standard for our journalists? If Peter MacKay announces a press conference to discuss our military, will the journalists bombard him with census questions?


  1. The piece by Taber was gleeful about how the media "derailed" Minister Day's press conference. In my ignorance I guess I thought the media were supposed to report on what the minister had to say about his portfolio. Silly me, the media is obviously there to turn any attempt at serious discussion into a political circus. Just who do these people think they are ?

  2. The press are tired of the trained monkeys. They want the organ grinder.

  3. Are you expecting the group think media to drop their agenda or treat the twice elected Conservative led government with the same level of courtesy of Liberal governments?

    This is nothing unusual with the media pushing their own narrative regardless of the national scope of this federal government.

    How many months did they spent digging into any tidbit of information including her high school years Helena and her husband?

  4. It would have been interesting to hear Stockwell Day's thoughts re shortening the census, given his background in military intelligence. I can't imagine him arguing that diminished self-knowledge is conducive to better governance.

  5. "so-called" Economic Action Plan ? Jane, you shill.

  6. They did this to PMSH all the time, he'd ask if anyone had questions on the announcement first before answering any off topic questions.
    Yes our media are creepy crawlers, but this in nothing new.

    So the long form census could be dropped altogether....YAH

    But the pack forgot to drill the Minister of Everything on

    'Feds tell immigration officers to treat U.S. deserters as criminals'

    OTTAWA - The Conservative government has given immigration officers tough new marching orders for dealing with military deserters seeking refuge in Canada, painting them as criminals who may be inadmissible.


  7. I was just watching that dimwit, Rosemary Barton, trying to sell the CBC propaganda line that if you use polling numbers to validate the need for more prisons then why do the Tories want to kill the mandatory long form census. This pea brain doesn't seem to realize that when people respond to a poll on crime, reported or otherwise, they do so voluntarily without the threat of fines or imprisonment hanging over their heads.

    In addition, she was trying to use the bogus figures on crime statistics to defend the lefties position that crime rates are down. They are down year to year, but they are still way above the rate in the sixties.

    Lorrie Goldstein in an article written for the Toronto Sun on August 1, 2010 points out that since 1962, when records were first kept, the violent crime rate has increased 316% with corresponding increases for most types of crime. During that period of time, Canada's population has increased by 66%. Has the number of prisons spaces kept pace with the increase in crime or even with the population rise? Not so you'd notice.

    More of the party line from the People's Broadcasting Network!
